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Apologies if this has been covered before

Using latest PTE on an iMac for several months without much problem

I set up Folder for custom styles and transitions in Documents/PicturesToExe/Styles and Transitions/

Have put all downloaded styles and my own basic creations in that folder - it has worked very well so have not had the need to check on that folder.

I changed the location of the folder on the iMac and so changed the location in Preferences - the result being that I cannot find any of the non included styles in Styles and Theme window and there are masses of letters in the location making it very hard to identify the style names.  I have Time machine but it is a very long process going back and trying to identify earlier styles.

I tried relocating the styles and transitions back to the original iMac folder but still can't find the styles.

Am I doing something wrong?  Should I export a style every time I create one?

Would appreciate some advice

Many thanks



Hi Stuart,

Try the following.

1. Close PTE AV Studio, make sure it's not launched in the Dock.

2. Find "Application Support" folder on your Mac. It is shown here:


Instead of "peterjoh" folder it will be your Mac name folder.

Then browse Application Support > PTEAVStudio > Versions > 10.5

Delete apr.ini fle. It's settings (layouts and some settings of PTE AV Studio).

Now if you run PTE AV Studio, a location of Styles and Transitions will be by default, and no custom styles.

3. A default location of styles is located here:

Application Support > PTEAVStudio > Styles and Transitions

If you have a backup of your original folder with styles, replace this default folder with your saved folder.

P.S. We'll check moving of a location of styles and transitions folder to see how it works on Mac.




Many thanks for your response

I have looked in Application support and can see apr.ini but I cannot see Styles and Transitions Folder

I can see empty Templates folder

My Custom styles and transitions are in my Documents folder and today I exported a newly created style and can see it there in the Documents folder together with rows and rows of letter sequences. 

I will make a copy of the PTE folder again to make sure since I have spent a lot of time trying to find my created styles and don't want to lose them again.  I have just tried a Slide Project from February from the back up drive and it opens with the recovered styles plus todays created style but not some of my other created styles.  

After I have done that I will try what you advise and report back - I will also export all the Styles one by one into the custom folder and also copy them to another drive for safety

When I installed the PTE ver 10.5 it does not establish a Styles and Transitions in Application Support but puts in my main PTE folder in Documents

This has not been a problem until I moved my PTE Folder to another location and changed to the new location in Preferences.

Hope you can understand what I have done - the programme and your support has been excellent so far




If you delete apr.ini file (settings of PTE AV Studio), PTE will create automatically a new empty folder "Styles and Transitions" in Application Support > PTEAVStudio

Then you can replace this empty folder with your earlier moved folder "Styles and Transitions".

Or you can keep things as is.

I recommend to make a backup of this folder anyway.



I deleted apr.ini in Application Support and copied My own Styles and Transitions in the automatically created Styles and Transitions and it works fine

I created a test Custom Style and it saved automatically in the Application Support Styles and Transitions however the name is not visible so I am thinking it may be better to export the style to another location so it can be easily found in the future.  I have just tried exporting the Test style to Application Support/Styles but can't seem to do it on my iMac so presumably the created style is only recognised by PTE if it is hidden/part of the sequence of letters meaning I should not delete any. The folder size is just over 1GB

The Preferences automatically updated the Styles and Transitions location so everything seems good



  On 6/21/2021 at 8:06 PM, Stuart175 said:

 I have just tried exporting the Test style to Application Support/Styles but can't seem to do it on my iMac so presumably the created style is only recognised by PTE if it is hidden/part of the sequence of letters meaning I should not delete any.



Application Support > Styles and Transitions folder is fully served by PTE AV Studio. All exported styles should be saved to another folder (in Documents, for example).

  On 6/21/2021 at 8:06 PM, Stuart175 said:

I created a test Custom Style and it saved automatically in the Application Support Styles and Transitions however the name is not visible


Can you try to create a new test style with a simple name like Style1 to check if it appears in the list of the styles.



I started a new Project and created a new style Style1June22 and saved the Project in Documents

It does appear in the Styles list in the Styles and Themes window but does not appear as Styles1June22 in the Application Support Styles and Transitions.

I exited PTE and opened it again and the newly created style is visible in the Styles Window list but not visible in the Applications Support Styles and Transitions folder

I have started to export my own created styles and others I have downloaded to a different folder in Documents.

I am slightly reluctant to change the location of the Custom Styles and Transitions before I have finished exporting all my own styles in case I can't find them again.





A storage of styles/transitions in Application Support has a special complex structure. Consider this storage as "a black box" which just works :)

Users should work only with Styles and Themes window and import/export commands are available.

If you manually create a backup of PTEAVStudio folder in Application Support, you can always revert any changes with settings or styles of PTE AV Studio on Mac.

P.S. We'll check moving of the storage to another folder to make sure that it works correctly on Mac.



Once again many thanks for your replies

Yes the "black box" does work very successfully!

I Copied Application Support/Style and Transitions Folder to to the new location in Documents and changed the Preferences - Custom Slide Styles and Transitions and it works fine and it has retained all my created styles.  Maybe when I first tried changing location I lost some of the styles because I did not copy the Styles Folder to the new location?  Anyway is is all working well and I have learned a lot more about PTE!

Kind regards


  • Igor changed the title to Custom Slide Styles and Transitions Location Change [SOLVED]

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