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Hello Igor

After having abandoned PTE for some time, I have just installed the latest version V10.5.1 for Mac. I work on MacOS Big Sur 11.3.1

I encountered a small bug with the French accented characters:
- writing ô generates Ûo
- writing ï generates Ûi

This problem reappears in the final version. We had already encountered it in a beta version and it seems to me that you had found the solution.

Thanks to you for fixing this bug

Best regards,



  On 6/24/2021 at 8:48 AM, Bermary50 said:

I encountered a small bug with the French accented characters:
- writing ô generates Ûo
- writing ï generates Ûi


Hi Bernard,

I cannot reproduce this issue on my Mac with a virtual French keyboard. I tried to type text accented characters and they look as in TextEdit app.

Please make sure that you use the latest version 10.5.1 in the About window.

Did you mean a preview of a Text object, or the text box in the Objects and animation editor, in Properties tab?

Can you give me two simple examples of keys which I should press to see this problem. Expected result, and wrong result.


I give you an example with the following sentence:
"Un champ de maïs longe la côte"

When I write this sentence (on an AZERTY keyboard) in the text box in the Objects and animation editor, in Properties tab, I get this :


Capture d’écran 2021-06-24 à 15.28.05.png


No problem with this text "Un champ de maïs longe la côte" with MS/Windows 10 for me.

Igor: On a French keyboard, you can enter these diacritic characters by hitting first the key at the righht hand of "AZERTYUIOP", and then the letter to which this sort of accent is added.  It works the same with the "grave" accent to be found with [ALT-GR][7] to give À for instance.

Similarly to get: ü, ö, ê, î , etc.


OK Igor ! Everything looks good now for the accented characters. Good job ! Thanks.

But there is another problem: 
When I put a word containing an accented character in bold, the font changes !

  On 6/25/2021 at 3:44 PM, Bermary50 said:

OK Igor ! Everything looks good now for the accented characters. Good job ! Thanks.


I'm glad! Thanks.

Can you also test all variants how you type text with accents and umlauts on French? As I understood it's possible to enter accents with English keyboard layout (holding Option/Alt key) and with French keyboard layout.

  On 6/25/2021 at 3:44 PM, Bermary50 said:

When I put a word containing an accented character in bold, the font changes !


Probably you use specific font? I don't see problem with Arial and Times New Roman. 


Hello Igor

I tried using the Brush Script MT font (it's a fairly common font, I think you know it).
In TextEdit, I can't make the text bold. 
I contacted a friend who works on PTE for windows. He did the same tests with the same sentence and the same font and he has no problem changing the font when he puts the text in bold.

On PTE Mac, I don't think this anomaly comes from the accented characters because it exists with both accented and non-accented words.

PS - I hope you understand me correctly because for me it is not easy to translate into English accurately.


  • Igor changed the title to French accented characters [SOLVED]

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