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I'm doing 3 shows but want them to play through as one.

Each show has a different feel and mood, set by it's own music & the images are set to sync to it's own song. Although each show is separate, I want all three shows to play uninterrupted. Meaning, I do not want the show to return to the desktop inbetween.

I really don't want to record all 3 pieces as one and custom sync each image to the music, because my client doesn't want to pay for the time it takes, and I don't work free... So is there a way to do this easily?




Add the option "run application after last slide", in Project Options / Advanced, to the first and second shows, and have each one start the next show. Be sure to also select "close show after last slide" to each show.



I have already tried just what you suggested and there was a brief (very brief) but visable flash of the desktop between the shows. That's what prompted me to inquire here. Is there another setting I have missed?

I'll give Granot a try. I didn't really se a tool called Multishow but I'll look a little closer this time.

Thanks for the help guys.




Al's route has worked for me the few times that I have needed to do what you want. Yes the occasional time I have seen a momentary "flash", but not always. It seems to be a function of the shows that being put together.

I have not figured out what the "commonality" is for getting the flash vs not getting it. I suspect load time might be a possible issue.

If I used that feature more I would likely have it figured out and Igor would resolve it for us I am sure.


I didn't progress with the use of "Run application after last slide" when it was first introduced because of the momentary flash of the desktop, which Larry mentions. But more recently I tried once more with three sequences giving excellent results and no flash of the desktop.

Ron [uK]


Well I tried this again on another machine (laptop) and it worked just fine. I'm surprised it didn't work on our video-graphics computer... Its pretty fast. Go figure!


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