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I have downloaded PTE to a second computer.  My old copy of PTE on my first computer contains styles and transitions downloaded from other sources.  Can the styles be transferred to the second computer or must they be downloaded from the original source?  A related question, will the same situation occur when upgrading to PTE 11 when it becomes available?  


My recommendation: On the first computer, export (backup) all your styles and transitions to an external drive (as files of type ptestyle or pteeff). You can import these styles/transitions on you second computer.


This is similar to a question I posted in the Styles & Templates section about the manner in which the styles are saved and where are they located on my computer.  Some appear to be located in the C:\Program files\WnSoft\PTE AV Studio 10.0\Main\All\StylesAndTrsnsitions\Slide Styles  folder and some are in the C:\Users|Username\Documents\PicturesToExe folder and/or C:\Users\Username\Documents\PTE AV Studio\Slide Styles folder.   Unclear to me whether these are all somehow combined but I also screwed things up by manually trying to move things around outside the program.

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