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and also making a lot of coasters!

I have created a slide show, Favorites.exe and a autorun.inf file



I have burned a CD, as I have many times before and when I insert it in CD drive instead of running auto I get a screen showing both files... the autorun.inf and the Favorites.exe. If I click on the Favorites.exe the show runs as expected.

I'm sure that I must be making a simple mistake but for the life of me..

Is there a way to check the project name in the created exe file??

Any help wil be more than welcome.

TIA Bob..


My guess is that you use XP and your settings are to open and show files on CD and your aurorun is disabled (only a wild guess).

This can be changed but I could not find where. :(

We need a XP expert here and I'm sure there are few in this forum.


Assuming you are using XP....

In my computer, right click on the CD or DVD drive.

Click on properties and then the Autoplay tab.

Set the option you require there.



Bob, it seems nobody answered your second question: "Is there a way to check the project name in the created exe file?".

Unfortunately there isn't. But opening with Notepad a .pte file you can understand if it is the right .pte or not. Under [slide1], [slide2] etc. you find the filename of the pictures.


Boxig, DavG and guru:

Thanks for responce to my autorun problem. I still have no idea what caused the problem in the first place and I really am not sure how it was resolved??? BUT.... I'm back in business!!

I took DaveG's advice and saved the show under a new name and then in the notebook created a new autorun file using a new project name. I burned the CD and all ran OK.. The thing that bothers me is the new autorun file looks exactly the same as the first one except for the project name change and I notice that the autorun file lable is not the same as the one that gave me the trouble. The first one was labled autorun.inf and the new one is labled autorun .. sooooo.. what ever... let me say thanks for your assistance and even though I'm bewildered, I'm happy to be off the wall


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