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Date & Time on Images


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Another shot at this one..

Anyone know if there is a way to take the file Time & Date and stamp it onto the image?

A good software resommendation would be helpful..

So far I have tried some software called 'Set Name to Time' from


which gets me part way there.

But I can't help feeling there is a more complete solution.


J :ph34r: G

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Guest Techman1


Are you wanting the actual "Date & Time" extracted from the EXIF data of the image or are you simply wanting to put a "Date & Time" stamp on each image that is the same? The second one could be accomplished easily with like Photoshop in an action.

Let us know which and hopefully someone can help you with the solution.


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Putting the DATE and TIME on manually is not really what I want. As you say I can do that myself with any Photo Editting software.

I'm really talking about batch / auto tagging the image, so that if it is copied / transferred / or modified the image contains the Date & Time.

The reason this is important, is for Medical Records purposes.

P2E is a great presentation tool, but this tagging I mention becomes crucial for lots of similar images.

Hope you can help.

J :ph34r: G

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You say auto-renaming brings you half-way there. If you auto-rename, using the EXIF data and an external utility, then you can have that name appear over the image in PTE by setting the appropriate "comment" option in Project Options. :)

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I think I've resolved it now..

The Fuji software that comes with the camera has the option to insert the data directly onto the picture, which is exactly what I want.

I didn't just want a feature in P2E such as comment, as it doesn't 'burn' into the image, just over-lays it, if you like.

I haven't seen it work yet, however, so we'll see - but thanks for collective wisdom!

J :ph34r: G

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