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With PTE8 and 9 when a name of the .pte file contains special character, a warning windows appear when creating a Safe executable file for PC:




With PTE 10 and 10.5, PTE change the name to "slideshow.exe" , slideshow.pteav, etc but don't mention the change of name.

Maybe the windows propose with PTE9 should be inform the users

or ZIP accept this kind of letters now and PTE could accept to zip with this original filename.




Hi Denis,

This problem might occur with Windows XP and Vista. And probably earlier builds of Windows 7. And only with buit-in ZIP unpacker.

There is no problem with later Windows 7 updates, also Windows 8, 10 and 11, and Mac can unpack ZIP archives with non-Latin symbols.

Also external ZIP unpackers don't have this problem many years.

So we removed that warning since version 10.0.



Hi Igor,


Yes, but the problem is that you change the name of the slideshow.

If my slideshow is crèches.pte  the "Safe executable file for PC" zip contain the files slideshow.exe and slideshow.pteav instead of crèches.exe and crèches.pteav.



  • Igor changed the title to using non ASCII character [SOLVED]

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