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Preview Errors


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Hi Everybody

Inspired by the Great Northern AV exhibition yesterday, I resolved to bring my recent PTE sequence up to speed, incorporating some of the wonderful techniques I observed.

Alas I have fallen at the first fence!

I have tried to convey movement in my opening credits by repeating the same image whilst gradually increasing the scale size of the text over 8 images. I put the images onto the timeline and faded them together very quickly. I was overjoyed when this appeared to work brilliantly in the small window, however as soon as i tried to watch this in full screen by utilising the preview function........ disaster.............the text doesnt increase in size and can start anywhere in the sequence!

ive tried various combinations of transition time + shut everything else down on the computer to no avail. Could it be my files are too big? I saved them on 'quality 5' setting on photoshop and they are around 95kb.

Hope you can help me with this wonderful but perplexing programme.

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Are you sure that the effect you saw at the Great Northern was in PTE and not another programme? What you appear to be asking is for the zoom effect which we are all awaiting in PTE. The only way I know at the moment is to produce a series of increased size titles on a background image in Photoshop or similar programme. You can then include these in PTE and run them from one to the other, but the effect is not always that satisfactory.

Ron [uK]

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On the contrary, I can make my text move about in the 'small, black window' however once I try and replicate in 'Preview' chaos ensues.

Re Wilmslow GN Exhibition. One sequence was shown featuring a zooming facility. I recollect this was a programme called 'photex?' Is this an alternative to PTE?

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Hi Hopehigh

Welcome to the Forum.

We were also at the Great Northern but didn't win :(

Excellent weekend though :D:D:D

and Ian's new sequence caused quite a stir ! :lol:

Scrolling text effect can be achieved with Photoshop effect as Ron mentioned -

I did see one there which used that method.

You need to use layers and also make sure of the use of edit/transform/ prespective.

It can be done using other software but then you also get a loss in other areas if you switch to "them".

All "swings and roundabouts" except with PTE you get all the fun of the fair, quick upgrades to what we wish for and the friendly, helpful Forum. :D

Hope you'll come along to our WWW-DAVE weekend next April.

Peter Coles wants articles for AV World too about the Great Northern w/e

We all had a wonderful session on Friday night viewing super work from Kordial Multimedia Group from Belgium(also PTE Forum members )

Best wishes


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