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Using Flash with PTE.


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The simple answer is yes!

A long while ago I started to experiment with opening titles and closing credits in my PTE shows but got very frustrated with the whole affair and gave it up as a bad job. I regained my enthusiam just recently and have now managed to master the art. Loads of people have commented on how professional it all looks now. I have just one person to thank for all of this - Granot from Thailand. His utilities are really outstanding and regular users of this forum will know how helpful Granot can be. I was stuck trying to get the flash file to co-ordinate properly with PTE, so Granot wrote me a small utility based on his very useful 'FlashMeStay'. I can highgly recommend that you try this for yourselves because it works a treat.

My most sincere thanks go to Granot for his patience and hard work.

Visit the site and see for yourself.


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I notice that I have given the email address for Granot in my opening thread. If you want to look at the many utilities that he has to offer, then please visit this website:-


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Guest Techman1


Sorry the delay, as I haven't been checking on the forum lately!

When I've created a flash intro for my PTE slideshow, I have used Granot's "FlashMe3 or FlashMe4". It seems that one worked better for me on many different systems (I'm thinking it was the 3 version).

Anyway, give it a try and see what you think. Granot has done an excellent job supporting us all through his wonderful utilities/programs.

Take care.


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FlashMe3 and FlashMe 4 are both very similar utilities except that FlashMe4 includes another utility called FlashMeStay and it is this that attracted my attention because it does not include the need to make a 'configuration' file before using it.

All you need to do is make a new folder into which you put the FlashMeStay utility, the flash swf and your PTE slide show (.exe). then by clicking on the utility icon- the show will run.

Obviously you need to make a separate flash file (swf) with a program like Swish. Initially, I had some problems with integrating the flash with PTE but, with Granots help, these have now been overcome.

If you have a fast connection I can send you a full demo show with flash - email me if you are interested.

Ron West

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Ive been playing with the Flash utiilty as well and Im missing something. I can't see how to get it to "play" in P2E.

I have created a .swf file in Swishmax, I've taken it into FlashMe3 and I think I have the parameters set right but now that I want to add it to P2E I am lost as to what my next step is? Any help would be appreciated


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Can you tell me what internet connection you have please, is it a dial-up or a broadband?

I can send you a sample PTE show with a flash added - then you can check if it is the kind of thing you are looking for.

Then I can help you with making your own shows.

In the meantime, sne me a copy of your swf file for me to check for you.

Any problems, please email me at ronniebootwest@aol.com

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Ronnie thanks for your reply to my Flashme question. Im on broadband Im just learning flash and have just created a couple second .swf file to play with that has the text scroll from one side to the other and a few other effects. The part Im missing is what do I do with the Flashme utility to get that .swf file into the PTE show.


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Guest Techman1


Welcome to the forum. The Flash portion of your presentation (.swf) actually runs before the PTE executable. It isn't a part of the PTE Slideshow as PTE doesn't support flash files (yet).

Read the README file that Granot has created and it review the sample. I believe it works as outlined in his write-up (although, I haven't read it lately).

Good luck and let us know if it works okay for you.


p.s. - Once you get this working, you'll see that you can actually put Flash presentations at various points to run along with your PTE slideshow(s). With the RUN application within PTE, you can show a Flash presentation in the middle or at the end. But, I would make it work as stated above first so that you know how to set it up. Again, good luck!

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Thanks Ron for sending me that file. Yes that is exactly what I am trying to accomplish.

Let me try to explain what I think is supposed to happen and then all you smart people :D can correct me.

After creating my .swf file in swift or whatever, name that file flash.swf and put it in the same folder as teh Flashmeconfigure.exe file. Set your parameters as far as resolution and length of show then let it create the text file.

Then you put the created FlashMeStay.exe as well as the Flash.swf and Flash.txt file into the same folder as your created PTE show.

Then when you create your PTE show make a blank slide, and have as one of the slide properties and play an external application. That external application wants to be the FlashMeStay program. Back in PTE you should set the slide timing to be whatever the .swf files is.

Do I have that correct?



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You have the basics almost, but not quite.

I will work on a detailed reply for you and post it later!

Other members of this forum may well appreciate your questions because I do know that using flash is a problem.

By the way, the 'curl page' transition effect is part of the new version 4.4 (Beta) Download it and try out for yourself.

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This may well be a long reply, so bear with me.

1. You will need (in addition to PTE), software to create a flash (swf) file. There a a few availabe, but I tend to favour SWISHMAX which is available for a 15 day trial from http://www.swishzone.com/.

2. The FlashMeStay utility available for download from Granot at http://www.thailandphotoalbum.com/

This utility is part of the FlashMe4 item on his website.

The beauty of the FlashMeStay utility is that you will not have to make a 'configuration' file (as in FlashMe4) because the utility will do it all for you automatically.


a. Make a flash file for your 'opening titles' using the software as above. Export this from the software as a swf file.

Give it a suitable name, e.g. 'OpeningTitles'

b. Make another flash file for you 'closing credits' and export this as a swf file with the name of 'ClosingCredits'

You can use any name you like for the exported swf files, the above are merely suggestions.

c. Now create a new folder in your computer and give it a suitable name, e.g. 'FlashTest'

d. Now copy the following files into this folder:-

(i) Opening Titles (swf) and rename this as 'welcome' No need to add the swf extention because this is done for you automatically.

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To continue from previous post.........

(ii) Copy the Closing Credits swf file and rename this as 'credits' No need to add the swf extention.

(iii) Copy the FlashMeStay utility

(iv) Copy your PTE slide show (.exe) file

Now when you double click on the FlashMeStay icon (in this folder) you should see the magic before your eyes.

I should mention that I am assuming you know how to create flash files and that you are familiar with the options available in PTE for adding fades at the beginning and end of your show.

This whole process of putting flash together with an .exe show can get very confusing and you may well encounter some frustrating obstacles. Please persevere, it is well worth the effort. If you need some help then please feel free to contact me.

Ron West

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