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Delay Between Slides


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I am new to this product and have been creating a slide show, I can see that you can customise each individual slide and add different music tracks etc however, I cannot find a way of adjusting the time delay between individual slides. I can set the delay for all slides however, there are some slides which I would like to stay on screen slightly longer than others.

I apologise if this has already been covered but I have not been able to find any references to this.

Thanks in advance.

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The answer is Customize Slide>Main>Timing - Check "Use own time preference" and set "Display slide for" with the time that you want..

Good luck

Ron [uK]

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Hi and Welcome,

Another option if you want to customize the whole show is to go to the time line and after adding all the slides you can drag each one to a point on the line. Just be carefull that the "Shaddow' after each timed point ( the transition time) does not cross over into the next timed point. This way you can have asilde come on at any point you wish and it will remain on until the time line reaches the next timmed point,


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