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Well done Igor. I am used to moviemaking, but have just put together my first presentation with your excellent software, and am highly delighted. A few points you may wish to consider for the next version:

A. Ability to Right click on image in Slide List and open it with one's favoured picture editor (for example Photoshop). This will allow simple filesize shrinking or 'tweaking' of images.

B. Button on main window to bring up Customize Synchronization (rather than just via Project options)

C. A colour change highlighting if transitions overlap on the Customize Synchronization window (not always easy to see right now)

D. Similarly, a colour change for the shot markers indicating wherever image transitions have been placed so close on the timeline that there may be play issues unless the file sizes are small.

E. Ability to Preview full screen from the point where the arrow is on timeline, rather than having to always play from the start of the movie

F. Ability to select multiple transition points and move them all simultaneously the desired amount (i.e. keeping the time interval fixed between them.

G. Ability to be able to drag and drop using, say, explorer and drop images into the image list.

H. Ability to add coloured timing markers as guides on timeline, on the fly, by tapping a configured key. This would make assembling shots to the beat of the music easier.

I. "Customize Synchronization" is not really discussed in the online manual.

J. An autosave facility that can be configured for whatever interval the user wishes (My PC locked up when I had nearly completed a sequence and it took 4 hours to get back to the same point when I rebooted!)

K. Ability to load a sequence, then append a second sequence.

Brilliant work! :)



Terry, welcome to the forum.

Thank you for the many suggestions to Igor. Several have been mentioned before and he is probably working on several of them even as we speak. I think it is good to have your ideas as a relatively new user of PTE but obviously an experienced AV and computer person. Even though Igor is great to respond, we often "get used to" things and forget they might yet be improved. Safe to say, we will look forward to seeing and learning from your shows and contributions here.

A. Ability to Right click on image in Slide List and open it with one's favoured picture editor (for example Photoshop). This will allow simple filesize shrinking or 'tweaking' of images.

I think this feature exist already.


I agree with Boxig and there are other features requested that are already there in the programme, but I am unable to concentrate on them at this time. Hopefully someone else will step in and assist you Terry, but welcome and good luck.

Ron [uK]


Many thanks to ronwil, boxiq and Lumenlux for these encouraging responses. I would love to locate the facility that allows one to "open slide in preferred editor" (see why below) - tried everything but can't locate that one!

My initial presentation won first prize at our club last evening which gave me a real boost :) Because I am a novice I had most pictures 400 - 700K and, combined with reasonably fast cutting caused sync to drift partway through. When I had previewed on a slower PC it had the same effect, along with 'doubling up' on some transitions. However, having read the forum I am now going through shrinking file sizes. Once all runs reasonably I'll upload a link as I'd like some honest feedback.




what is your default graphic editor

what program opens a jpeg when you double click it

that is your preferred editor

so in the left row of pictures - name - size - date and you right click one of the picture icons, the roll out gives you the option to open the picture

and if photo shop is your default editor it should open it

is this what you are looking for ?



Yes Ken - exactly what I am looking for! I view in ACDSee but the editor programs listed were ones I never use for this (Fireworks, Canvas). All sorted - went to Folder Options in Control Panel and editted the file associations. Many thanks indeed.




glad we got you going B)

if by chance you install another graphics program, be very carefull that it does not re associate all the things acdsee does now, to itself

they have a nasty habit of doing that




I would put it slightly differently: "If you're using ACDSee, be careful it doesn't re-associate all of the things Photoshop and other editors do now (and much better, I might add) to itself". I downloaded a trial version of ACDSee and it promptly became my default editor for jpegs, gifs, tiffs, bmp's etc. - you name it.

Even after I carefully "re-associated" each image type, the images in MS Explorer were still all labelled "ACDSee 7.0 JPEG Image", etc., under "File Type". I had to completely uninstall ACDSee in order to remove the offending tags. I hate presumptuous programs like that! :ph34r: From now on I'll just stick to my trusty "IMatch" for image management and PS for my editing. They are both better programs for what they are designed to do, anyway.

  • 1 year later...

I agree with Al, ACDSee is a terrible program. It wants to consume the system. I recently tried MSMaxView - another Picasa-type, and I deleted that too. I just go back to Photoshop everytime, and easily retrieved from in PTE.


I, like AL and others , got ACDC bundled with a small camera and made the mistake of installing it !

I had to fully uninstall to stop it smothering everything else.


Best regards to all on the Forum.

Roll on v 5.

Alan in UK

I meant ACDSee of course !

Alan in UK

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