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The previews all work fine for me. (Win XP Pro, SP-1, similar pc specs). At first my MIDI didn't play, but then I realized I had it directed to the wrong output in the Control Panel options. Haven't tried the cancel feature yet. :)

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Ok, I'll check moments with Preview and with Cancel/Undo.

By the way, now it possible to change effect duration right on time-line.

And using multi-select you can edit even several slides (e.g. to assign one transition effect or background).

How improved waveforms work? Do you noticed that they all can be displayed simultaneously?



Rechecked the Cancel function this morning, now it seems to work!!

Rechecked the Preview function but still not working, very strange as if I create the show it plays perfectly.

I was just wondering if anybody with 1 Gig of memory is having thsi problem as I know some programs can have problems with this much memory?


Do you mean that if you have a background sountrack and a sound assigned to a slide that both waveforms will show? I'll test this tonight.



no prob with my test show

i tried 4.4 b1 on an existing show - 123 slides -- 3 mp3's 7:37 music time standard sync -- 21.7 mb exe --

1 gig ram win xp 2.8 ghz



Not sure what to do now, I loaded an earlier version of PTE and its doing the same thing with the PREVIEW i.e. won't show a preview.

I have recently upgraded my Memory from 500Mb to 1 Gig and thought that might be the culprit, but I took out the extra and no change :-(

I did notice that normally when you do a preview the Progress Bar counts from 0-100% then shows the preview in this case it just sits on 0% and only shows the first image with no music.

So it would seem as it happens that the problem probably lies on my machine as opposed to the new Beta since previous versions of PTE have the same problem on my machine.

Any suggestions anyone? - short of reinstalling everything!


Thanks Igor for the Timeline button, which fulfils my request for retention of my original settings so that I can tweek any final adjustments.

Ron [uK]



Could it be the SP-2 that is causing the problem? Anyone else try the new beta successfully on Win XP, SP-2? I have XP Pro, but SP-1, (1Gb RAM), and everything works fine.

  alrobin said:
Anyone else try the new beta successfully on Win XP, SP-2?

Yes, XP pro, SP2. No problems. Preview works as expected from main window or custom sync dialog, starting at beginning, or part way through.

Only minor thing, and that is very minor if at all, is that the preview from custom sync steps back a slide, so that the transition to the current slide is shown, rather than start exactly where it is.



1 Gb of RAM is not reason of problem with Preview, of course! If you run EXE and it works, preview from any slide should works too. Because full screen preview - it also running of (temporal) EXE file.

Please do the next small testing:

1) Open any synced project with mp3 music.

2) Open Time-line window.

3) Select 4nd slide

4) Press Ctrl+R and you should see full screen preview from 4nd slide.

5) The close preview and close time-line window.

6) In the main window select 7th slide

7) Press Ctrl+R and you'll see full screen preview starting from this 7th slide.

Please let me know about result.


PicturesToExe v4.40 beta #2 is released

http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr_beta.zip (1,5 MB)

What's new in beta #2:

+ Improvements in "Customize synchronization" window:

> Added "Arrange Selected Points" option;

> Added "Set Time of Points..." option.

* Fixed bug of beta #1 when after pressing Cancel button in "Cust. synch." window the program loses personal parameters of the Curling of page effect.

P.S. I'll try to answer soon on new messages in the "Suggestions" topic.


I've been "away" for a while, but just took a look at the page turn effect. Astounding! In reading what's new in 4.40, I see some things I asked for in previous releases. Thanks so much! You've re-kindled my desire to spend more time on this avocation.




I have used the Ctrl+R tests on slides #4 & #7 as you have suggested and the preview starts on the previous slides #3 & #6 respectively, but I find no problem with this.

Ron [uK]



I have now managed to get the Beta to run perfectly.

How did I do it? I reformatted my hardrive and reloaded everything and now PTE runs perfectly.

I still don't know why it seemed PTE was the ONLY program affected but at least it gave me a good reason to have a clean out! Windows XP certainly makes it easy to to do a complete Hardrive reformat.

So Igor and the team please accept my apologies for any "Wild Goose Chases" I may have sent you on.

The one thing this highlights for me is that these computers are complex beasties and the more programs you instal and uninstall the more chances there are of something going wrong.

Thanks for everyones help in trying to repeat the fault on your systems.


Igor ,

I did post this as a new thread but see someone else appears to have had what seems to be a similar problem... I am wondering if i am going to have to reformat my hard drive as well :blink: unless you have any other suggestions. I have not created a show because I was just trying to look at the preview of what I had done so far to see if it was developing correctly.

I have started to set up a slide show for practice in the new version after deleting the old version.

Then when I click on customize synchronisation and set up my slide to the length of time I require. i.e 4 or 6 seconds etc, then play the piece in preview the slides are holding for a much longer time. i.e a 4 sec slide is holding for about 12 sec in preview. If I watch them in the small window when I press play, they appear as I wish them to appear. I have not got all the slides in place yet to fill the waveform, but that did not matter before I could keep checking the preview as I went along.

Am I missing something in the set up with the new version or is there a slight problem with the prog.

I have not noticed anyone else mentioning it yet so it could be me.

Any ideas guys please.



The Music sounds great!

I don't know what you did to the music player but MP3s that I have been listening to in Irfanview and Winamp sounds much better to me now in PTE. I pick up some of the deeper sounds, bass, drums and reverb that I have been missing in the other players, as good as they are. Thanks. Much appreciated.


Andrew, Glenys,

I hope there it's not necessary reformat hard drive and re-install Windows in case of PTE, because it doesn't change any system files.

However I'm continiously checking up all new moments to find any possible mistakes.


I'll carefully check up program code for this situation on Monday. I've read your new topic about this problem.

But now please, try to create absolutely new slide-show and check up for this moment.


We've added new music player already in v4.10.

So no changes since v4.31 :)

Yes, for this new music we've took high-quality mp3 decoder. It's an one of the best and very popular mp3 library.

WinAmp 5.x or iTunes also should sounds very very well.


Igor, Glenys and everybody else.

Please don't get me wrong PTE didn't make me reformat my hard drive I just felt my system had become "clogged" with many programs installed and removed over the past two years, I just thought it was time for a clean out and it worked.

I'm thinking of it more along the lines of PTE found a problem which I may not have possibly found any other way.

I am not saying everybody should reformat if they incounter this problem but maybe as a last resort.




I find that if I set my slides at 4 secs each in the custom Synchronization they are playing at about 17 secs in preview, even though they play at the 4sec speed in the play window.

I have done as you suggested and created a show and the slides still play at about 17 seconds each even though they are still set at 4 seconds in the custom synchronised window. I have tried ticking both the custom sychronisation and the not synchronised boxes and both act the same.

I am worried that it is something that I am doing because nobody else seems to be haveing this problem. :huh:

What am i doing wrong that is different to the setups that I have done before on the previous versions.

Thank you


Hi igor me again :rolleyes:

Igor I think I have been an absolute idiot!!!!!! :ph34r:

I have not saved the show in between. Now I have tried again and saved the show before I have previewed and it works fine.........

Please forgive my senility, I am getting more grey hairs but losing the grey cells.

I had a feeling it must be something I was doing or not doing. Sorry for worrying you.

I will now crawl back into my little hole and die :D



No problem! :) Of course, sometimes it necessary to re-install Windows.


No, you are right concerning this bug! Really full screen Preview has old time values of slides and after saving it works as shown on time-line.

I'll fix this bug tomorrow. So stupid mistake.

Thank you!


Just noticed one chsnge in the Object editor that might be a bug.

When using buttons etc to launch other exe files, the beta version doesn't recognise file names with spaces in them. Once you remove the spaces by re-naming the exe file it works okay. In much earlier versions of PTE you had to put "quotation" marks around the file name, so maybe this bit of code has reverted to an earlier version.



Ian, I have just put together a four slide sequence using the Object Editor on the last slide calling up a sequence with a space in the title London Architecture.exe with no problems.

Ron [uK]


PicturesToExe v4.40 beta #2a is released

http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr_beta.zip (1,5 MB)

What's new in v4.40 beta #2a:

* Fixed bug of previous betas where full screen Preview in "Cust. synch" window used old values of transition points (before recent changes).


This beta should fix the bug which you have found.

P.S. now I'm working on fully new Navigation bar for this v4.40

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