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P2Exe History


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Hi All,

Have been using P2Exe for one or two years now and have gleaned some understanding of the history of the product and the people involved from this forum.

I have been asked to do an overview of the product at the local camera club and would like to get my facts right.

Could someone give me a brief history - when and why it was first developed, those involved initially and since then etc.

I am also aware there is a French forum, and Beechbrook but it would be good to know how these came about.

Many Thanks


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what's new

and if you start p2e

help / about gives some of the names of developers etc

Bill Hines the owner of " Beechbrook" saw a "need" for a central "depositry" for members to share their shows and supports it on his own and by Member Donations.

Can't say how the French sites got started but i would imagine they were developed along the same lines - people from the AV world need a "place" to share not only shows but photos , club news , a problem forum similar to this forum.

Now DESERT DAVE has started a gallery and forum -- he is located in Arizona -


- you might write him at


also see


for other members sites and email addies.


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