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Help! Mini Disaster with Forum Members Photos


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In the past week I have done two things which I might usually do once or twice say every two to three years, the two things were:-

1. Completely format my hardrive

2. Change my web host provider for my web site

Now here is the disaster part. As I have always keeped a copy of the Forum members photos on my hardrive and a copy on the website I didn't include the Forum data in my regular backups, so it was with some panic last night that I realised that I had just deleted both sources of the Forum Members Photos and web pages!!!

So here is my plea for help.

Has anybody happened to have downloaded the forum members website data to their hardrive? and if they have could they possibly email me the data, shouldn't be too big, probbaly not even a megabyte.

Any help greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance (fingers crossed)

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Thanks Ken, got them this afternoon, will try and resurrect the forum rougues gallery (this time making sure I include it in my back up routine!!)


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Big thanks to Ken Cox as I have now recovered all the photos and web pages for the PTE Forum members photos, you can view here:-


if you are not in the "Rogues Gallery" and want to be please email me your Photo at:-


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