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Slide shows on CD question


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I want to create a front end menu for a CD with several exe slide shows on it. If I add a button to a menu to play an exe slide show I have to enter the full path for the exe file. This of course will not be correct when the shows are burnt to CD. Is there a variable path entry that can be entered to correct this? would appreciate some help with this to save a pile of coasters.


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If I add a button to a menu to play an exe slide show I have to enter the full path for the exe file.


You don't have to enter the full path name if the file is in the same folder as your PTE file. :)

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Cant help you there but there should be somebody on forum that has done it

i have a better answer but cant get my brain to process it -- CRS has set in

I think people have not embedded but have linked as Ralph does with his menu demo -- and he is out of commission at home getting a new system set up so you cant ask him

maybe Ron --ronwil will jump in with a better answer

or Alrobin -- think he was typing at same time as i was


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Can you tell me if it is possible with PTE to embed one slideshow into another?


Yes you can "embed" a show - just enter the name of the show in "Customize Slide" opposite "Run external application". There are some things to watch out for, as the music from the main show will continue to play so you have to arrange to have it turned off first.

Also, you should arrange to have the slide you are branching off from into the new show timed so that it will still be displayed when the second show finishes, as it will continue to roll while the new show is being played. This works best, too, if the first show is not synchronized, but it will work with a synched show if everything is set up properly.

Experiment with it a bit to see what options and timing work best for you. :)

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Many thanks to all for your input. By creating an exe menu and etering just the file names of the slideshows with no path, and burning all to a CD I now have an autorunning Menu system which plays all the files OK. Just a slight delay because the exe's are playing from CD rather than harddrive, but for my purpose this is fine. Once again many thanks.

al I will do some experimenting with embeding files and post any useful feedback.



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I've evaluated two methods now 1) Using the object editor and 2) boxig's MultiShow Player

The Boxig MultiShow Player is an excellent app and could be very useful, however for my project I am going with the object editor and creating an exe menu linked to slideshows on the CD.

Once again many thanks to all who contributed to this thread your input is much appreciated.



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