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Hello BOXIG (Garnot),

I have lots of slides (.jpg) with image size 1536 x 1024 (1,5:1) and I want to show these slides with frames.

Yesterday I found your genius programm FrameToImage. But all your frames have size ~ 1,3:1 so my images will not fit to the frames.

What can I do?

Cutting all my images?

Cutting all the frames?

Or have you got a program to change the frames?

Perhaps you can help me.

Many thanks.




Thank you for using my program.

I will check it ans see if I can add this feature so it will be possible to change only one direction. If can make i will post here and upload new version. By the way, my screen is only 800 x 600, does it work ok on your bigger screen ?



I added the ability to change only the height of the frame or the image and ability to move the image inside the frame iusing the mouse. If you (or anyone) want to test this beta version I can send you.

New features:

Alt+Arrow Up/Down - to change frame height.

Ctrl+Arrow Up/Down - to change image height.

Press mouse on image and drag to move the image place.



Hello Granot,

many thanks for your immediate answer.

You are a magician or in german a "Programmschleuder" (word by word translation: programcatapult).

I am very interested in your enhanced program.

I was 25 year the head of a software development center. We had huge computers from IBM , only some tools

and we use the programming languages assembler, FORTRAN, COBOL, PL1. Gone times.

What tools and languages do you use? HTML, VBA, C, C++ or others.

May I get a small sourcecode of your program ?

Many thanks




I simply use MMB (MultiMedia Builder) for lazy people. If you are a programmer I believe you can do anything with it the way you need. (I'm just playing to spend my time). If you have the time, try it.




I have tried MMB, but cannot get my head around it and with all my committments can't spend the time needed to learn it. Would love a tutorial on this program

I would like to use it to create the navigation around my movie tutorial CD's.

Are the files proced by MMB compatible with Mac's?




No, it will not work with MAC.

There is no full tutorial because the options are too many and "how to do" things are mostly based on scripts developed by users to fit their needs. The help is very basic though it is a big file. But there is a collection of some beginerd tutorials on members web sites and few dozens demos. You can create what you need but as you already saw it requires a lot of time to learn all the tricks. I can help in case you need. If you give me some more details maybe I can start a project for you.



Hello Garnot,

I am testing the enhanced FrameToImage _ version 2.0 781 KB _ and I have some problems.

I have 3 pairs of up/down keys on my keyboard but none will work together with Alt.

Perhaps I do not use the correct version of FTI?

Can you help me?





I didn't uploaded the new version before :o

But now I uploaded version 3.0. :P

Now you can change the hieght of the frame (changing the ratio between height and width) I also added ability to move the image by press and drag.

Arrow Up - Increase size of frame and image.

Arrow Down - Decrease size of frame and image.

Arrow Right - Increase image size.

Arrow Left - Decrease image size.

Ctrl+Arrow Up - Increase frame height.

Ctrl+Arrow Down - Decrease frame height.

Move image by hold and drag the image.

R - Restore image to original size.

I hope all will work as should. If any problem let me know.



Hello Garnot,

many thanks for version 3.0. Decrease/Increase Height will work very well.

There is only a small bug. When the frame increases very much time informations appear on the slide.

I’m a mathematician and so I am standing in numeric numbers.

With the mouse it is impossible to create an precise frame - for example 1500x1157 (scaling of your frame size 700x540)

Is it a lot of work to specify the width in pixels?




Thanks for finding the bug (I have small screen so didn't see it).

All fixed, new version uploaded.

Now you can use "H" hot key to Show/Hide a small window

where you can write width and height of frame and image.

I did it quickly so let me know if any problem.

:P Granot

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