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Displyay file names


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Hi, WG,

Welcome to the Forum,

Yes, you can display the file name by clicking on Project Options / Comments and check "Set comments for all slides as:" and then choose one of the "Picture name" options.

You can customize the "font" and choose the "position" of the comment above in the same menu window.

If you want a different comment for a particular image, you can customize it in "Customize Slide", and if you click "Use own text preference" and add the new text on the "Comment" line at the bottom of the main window.

To use the latter effectively, you should first choose the default comment in Project Options, close Project Options for the option to be applied, then open Project Options again and un-check "Set comments for all slides as:", and then set up the custom comments. This way, the custom comments will not be undone the next time you open Project Options.

Hope this is not too confusing - play around with the different scenarios a bit, and you will become familiar with the way the various options work. :)

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