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Combining Slideshows


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I'm not sure if this is the right place but I recently learned of your feature that allows a user to combine more than one slideshow by running an "external operation". However, I have tried it under Customize Slide and Project Options and I can't get it to work either way. When I use it on the last slide under Customize Slide, it starts the music and the first slide comes up but it goes no further. Any suggestions?

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There a couple of ther ways depending on what you want:

1. PROJECT OPTONS>ADVANCED>run application after last slide

2. Use OBJECT EDITOR (right of CUSTOMIZE SLIDE on main screen) on whatever image you want and place a button with whatever ACTION you want

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Your 'Combine' utility seems to still work with the new version(s), although it is let down a little by the inability to combine the music tracks associated with both pte files - it seems to just import the first show's music file.

What's needed is the ability to genuinely combine two or more complete pte files .

This would certainly help me as I generally make large shows in sections, each with its own audio, and sequence them together at the end. At the moment this involves a lot of new audio editing and slide spacing - almost a rebuild of the show. With a long show this can be frustrating.

I have suggested this to Igor in another thread for possible inclusion in a future version.


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I appreciate all of the responses. Everyone on this site seems to know so much more than me but I absolutely love this program. Up until now I have created the most basic os shows but everyone is always so impressed (THANKS TO IGOR, Of course) but I am now ready to learn how to create more advanced shows. This will be my first attempt.

It appears from the previous comments that I must have misunderstood the ability of the program. Is it not possible to combine two shows? If not, can anyone suggest the most efficient way to sequence my music to certain pictures?


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The way to combine 2 or more shows is:- Create another PTE show with 1 black slide. In your first slideshow, click on the advanced button of project options and choose " run application after last slide" and browse for your one slide PTE slideshow. Do the same with your one slide PTE slideshow and browse for your next slideshow. We had 4 slideshows run like this at our AV Club.

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Yes this can easily be done - 'daisychaining' shows together.

What we are looking for is a way to genuinely combine several separate pte files/sequences, each with its own audio track, into ONE pte file from which to generate a single .exe file.

Any ideas?


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Thanks for the info in your email - BUT what I want to do is not run .exe files from a menu, nor from 'run application etc', but to join a number of separate .pte files, each with music, together to form ONE complete, stand alone .pte file.

This would allow me to construct long involved shows in separate, smaller, manageable, sections each with its own music file, before combining all to make the final .exe for distribution.

I think that unless Igor has something up his sleeve on this I will be disappointed.

Thanks again


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Nothing at all Granot - except that it ends up with maybe six or seven separate .exe files on a disk and maybe some confusion to the recipient ( I know you'll say - Autorun etc) but it was just a wish to streamline the process of producing a long show without necessarily preparing a long, involved, audio track in advance.

It would seem though as if 'daisychaining' is the only way to do it - for now!

Thanks for all your thoughts on this.


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I recently produced a very long show by a daisy chaining process but I did it deliberately. If your viewer is suddenly interupted while watching a long show. He or she then has to start from the beginning every time and it can be tedious to keep having to do this.

I produced a "birthday sequence" where some people supplied simple text messages or one image while others supplied mini exe files. I constructed it in "chapters" each linked and all could be watched in one sitting or started from a different "chapter" - to view favourite sections later if necessary.

I think this worked well. Sometimes watching one very long exe file can be tiring and I was always told 10 to 12 minutes is the maximum concentration anyone can cope with. I don't think it is necessarily confusing if the first start file/exe is well labelled and you include a read me file to explain.

What we are looking for is a way to genuinely combine several separate pte files/sequences, each with its own audio track, into ONE pte file from which to generate a single .exe file.

This is the overall effect I achieved. Hopefully without making it too long or complicated to run. :D

Best wishes


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Maureen is quite right you know!

Watching a long slide show can get tedious (boring even) if the subject is not dealt with correctly. It is good advice to keep your shows down to a maximum of about 10 - 15 minutes.

I recently saw a slide show that was 40 minutes long - the music was disjointed and the slides were not even in sequence, nor were they of the same size. The whole thing was hard work to watch. The audience were suitably appreciative to the author, but I could tell that they were bored really.

In this instance, SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL

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