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I haven't been around for a while... Reality interfered with having the time to do slide shows :) .

But I need to do a quick slideshow this week, and I have a quick 4.30 question (don't have enough time to play with the 4.40 beta):

Is there a way from the light table view of the slide show list, to see a slide full screen?



Not as far as I know Harold, but you can right click on the image and select "Open picture" (Ctrl+W) and this will open the image up in your picture editing programme. Alternatively you can get larger and fewer images on the light-table by using the slider bottom right.

Good Luck

Ron [uK]



Harold wants to open up to full image from the light-table not the main image panel. Left clicking on an image on the light-table opens the Customise Slide Box. Right clicking gives a number of options, one of which is the one that I have quoted.

Ron [uK]


Yes Harold - click on slide to select - then press the spacebar to see the slide full screen - when done, just left or right click to return to the light table view.

I came across this by chance but find it very useful.

Den (NE UK)


Well done Den it works. What did you do? Drop off to sleep at your keyboard or is it that northerners are more intelligent than we in the south? :D

Ron [uK]



Amazing what little shortcuts lurk behind the scenes

BTW, I just discovered that clicking the space bar again returns it to the light table



There's probably a lot of truth in everything you say ! I did indeed inadvertently press the spacebar one day while browsing in the light table to reveal this shortcut.


Den (NE UK)


Thanks a lot, cici & den. That's exactly what I was looking for! I campagined for this when we were testing 4.30, but darned if I could rememebr what the key was.

Igor: it might be appropriate to stick it into the right-click menu, for those people like me that don't remember the space key from month to month.


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