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PicturesToExe v4.40 beta #4 is released

http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr_beta.zip (1,5 MB)

What's new beta #4:

+ As earlier you can delete transition points on the timeline without deleting of linked slides. You can work exactly as earlier or with new style.

+ PTE remembers last scroll positition of the timeline when you open again this window.

* Fixed bug of previous betas of v4.40 where undo didn't work in "Customize synchronization" window, if you at least one time clicked "OK" button during work with PTE.

* Fixed several visual bugs in "Customize synchronization" window.

* Fixed several another minor bugs.

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Thanks for the new Beta

Great to see deleting transition points doesn't now delete the slide BUT

If you delete a slide the transition point is still deleted and all transition points move down the time line 1 slide.

If you add a transition point amongst existing points PTE just shifts the following transition point to where you want to input the new point.

These two things make it very difficult to edit a show where you have already laid down transition points.

In my opinion deletion or addition of transition points should have NO effect on existing transition points.

The Gordian Knot continues!


Thanks Igor for these latest additions in beta#4 - however I DO AGREE with Andrew on the matter of transition points.

It really is important not to have the remaining points move at all, once positioned, when a point is removed.

All we want to do is easily replace a slide into the same position on the Timeline!

Im sure all will be sorted out soon.

Your work is greatly appreciated1

Den (NE UK)


I agree with Andrew and Den,

When you remove an image from the slide list and then immediately add it back where it was, some points are pushed off the end of the timeline. IMO, it would be preferred if, when adding an image to the slide list, the transition point for the new image would appear somewhere between the transition for the image on its left and the transition for the image on its right.

when adding an image to the slide list...somewhere between the transition for the image on its left and the transition for the image on its right

You are right, Al. And this would be the best soluce; to insert directly the point by drag and drop of the new image in the slide list: it's full logic !

But, is it possible for this 4.40 ? I'm not sure and I think Igor will answer quickly.


Please write me in details what still should be reworked in current unified mode of synchronization? I've tried to realize the next important moments:

1) When you delete slides from Slide list (in the main window) it doesn't delete linked transition points. But you need to add same number of another new images, because when you open time-line it removes transition points for not existed slides. I've checked - it works exactly as in v4.30 and earlier.

2) I can delete some slide from Slide list (e.g. 4) and then insert there another picture. And it will use old transition point for old Slide #4.

3) In the time-line you can use "Delete Point" button to delete only transition points. So it should works exactly as in v4.30 or in earlier versions. Also there is "Delete Slide" button if you prefer new mode.

4) If you've selected all transitions points and delete them, you use "Add transition point" button to add new transition point at the specified place on the timeline. But when all transition points are added to all slides (e.g. 10 points for 10 slides), "Add transition point" button work as in previous betas - it takes nearest point from the right side and moves it to a specified place.

Please explain me.

P.S. inserting of new images to some places in the Slide list (main window), as Al earlier suggest is good idea, but it a little bit difficult. We have two problems:

- some authors prefers to keep unchanged their transition points;

- another prefer this new variant (e.g. inserting new transition point betwen 20:00 and 30:00). So it will require special option which also turned off by default.

Maybe it better to add images to the end of Slide list and then on the timeline more exactly places these new transition points? As you see, moving of transition points moves and their linked slides.



#1 OK

#2 I don't like the idea of a "dummy" slide as it might not be used. I would just leave the space there for the deleted transition, but delete the slide completely, as long as transitions for other images do not move from where they were before. If it is easier to insert the transition for the "new" slide back to where the old one was, then that should be fine, but if no slide is added, then just leave the gap as is on the timeline.

However, and this is where the difficulty lies, if one adds a new image in between two other images on the slide list, its transition should be added, either between the two images on either side, or only added when one opens the timeline and clicks on the place between the two images where it is wanted. Perhaps it could be programmed to not do anything if one clicks between two images outside the order as shown on the image list. If one forgets to go to the timeline view to add the transition for the new image, there could possibly be a warning message to that effect when one goes to preview or create the show.

#3 Right, this is OK

#4 No - once all the points are added, pressing the "add transition" button should not have any further action.

These are my views on this, anyway, and these suggestions should not add significantly to the re-design work. (this is easy for me to say, eh? B) ) :)

Good luck with this, and thanks again for being so patient in doing your best to give us such a fine system. :)


Right, that would do it. :)

However, I don't know why another button is even needed, especially since you can move a transition over by just grabbing it with the mouse and sliding it over.



All of this comes about because PTE uses different windows for the slide list and the timeline.

A simpler way to coordinate the addition/deletion of images and transitions would be to combine the slide list and timeline windows, so that when one added a slide, the position of its transition could be immediately controlled without having to first open a separate window. This would involve a major re-write, but it might be worth it in the end to have the timeline and wave form appear at the bottom of the main window, below the slide list.


I agree with Al this would be a great improvement for PTE and make PTE more intuitive (easier to use!)

This whole transition point thing is really causing quite a stir but it is so important to get it right as it is a fundamental feature of PTE.

I admire Igor's patience with us as we continue to want more and more :rolleyes:

I think what ever is changed it needs to be simple and needs to follow a natural flow that makes sense to even a new user. At the moment its not really clear looking at the interface as to what does what :unsure:


I said this in a old beta post (deleted now): I have a dream for the future 6.0, 7.0...

Directly drag and drop the pictures from the slide list to the time line....

I have a dream...but I don't know if actually impossible :blink: would be probably possible in year 200... :) !

Many other features are also very important: by example, to apply the effect for only the picture and not for all the screen...

Courage Igor !


Please confirm, how v4.40 beta #4 works now? Does it provide usual comfortable work as with earlier versions, concerning moment with time-line and synchronization?

And how about stability of the new time-line?

Idea about integrated Slide list and timeline is wonderful, but it a long additional work. Please let leave it for the future.


It's a very strange problem! Because I've added only "Show TV safe zone" option. I just sent you email with request about small testing.


When I download beta 4 the installer says it's going to install beta 3 is this correct? PTE gets better and better




I hame more happy with the Beta now if I follow these simple rules:-

1. Allways ensure you have more slides than intended transtion points if you are going to edit a show.

2. To add a transition to an already programmed show add a slide to the slide list then hit Add New Transition in Timeline and existing transitions will be preserved.

3. Use the appropriate button DELETE POINT to delete a transition only and DELETE SLIDE to delete a transition and slide

Using the above rules I am actually VERY happy with the new beta but new users will need to understand this functionality.

Thanks Igor



I don't have quite the same results with the new beta as you reported.

I have a show with 10 transitions positioned at 5-second intervals (except for the last slide) i.e. 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, ..., 45, 48 etc.

When I add an image to the slide list after image 3 (i.e. replacing image #4) and open the timeline, I still have image transitions appearing at the same times, but the previous images after #4 have been moved along by 5 seconds. (This is the way things used to happen, and it is OK). Of course the last transition is now off the end of the music, at 51 sec.

Now, suppose I want the transition for new image #4 to appear at 14 seconds instead of at 15 sec., since it is between #3 and #5. I position the cursor on 14 seconds, hit "add new transition" . All that happens is that transition #4 moves over one second to the left to 14 sec, leaving no transition at 15 sec. All transitions to the right of #4 are still 5 seconds too far to the right. The easiest way to bring them back to where they belong is to highlight all the transitions to the right of image 4 and drag them back 5 seconds. For a large show this would not be a workable solution.

What would be cool would be to go back to the old way where if you click on the timeline and hit "New transition", a completely new transition is created at that point but all the other transitions remain the same. :)


I tried a test project with 5 images and a piece of music.

I placed each image at intervals of 1 minute and then three black images at the end after the music ended.

*** Then I tried to add a new transition at 30 seconds

This moved the transition & image from 1 minute to 30 seconds and left nothing at 1 minute. :unsure:

All other images and transitions stayed put. :rolleyes:

Test 2

*** instead of adding a new transition at 30 seconds, I came away from the time line, I added a new image inbetween images 1 and 2

This appeared at point 1 minute and pushed the images along one place - the transition points stayed locked and the previous image at 4minute then slid beyond the end of the music

Then when I clicked at 30 seconds I hoped everything would slide back at O, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2minutes 3minutes, 4 minutes with the extras still "over the end of the music line"

But unfortunately there was a space at 1 minute, the others stayed at 2min, 3min etc the images had not "moved back" from the end

I had great hopes reading Andrew's last post but I'm so sorry I didn't manage to obtain the same results or get everything to stay locked when I added the new transition and image.

Igor THANK YOU for all your hard work. :D I appreciate it very much and now all the transitions do not move just the one.

Is it possible to right click on an image make a copy of that image, paste it into the new halfway position. (next to its original same image, then create the new transition point.

Leaving all the other images where they had been placed.

Then I could create or find a new image to drop into the time line and delete the copy ?

I was doing this simple test project while Al did his with more slides - the Welsh have a slower brain !

I agree with Al,

What would be cool would be to go back to the old way where if you click on the timeline and hit "New transition", a completely new transition is created at that point but all the other transitions remain the same.  

I became so frustrated creating my latest AV I went back to an earlier version to make sure the transitions stayed put.

I think PTE is brilliant and very much appreciate All the hard work in all the new versions.

Thank you again Igor !


Not at all, Maureen - we Irish Canadians just like to make things more complicated. :D


I've been playing with v4.40 #4 tonight.

I seem to be getting two different light boxes.

When I use the one accessed from the bottom bar everything appears as before (I think)

but ,

when I access through the new button at the top bar (next to the thumbnail resizer) I am given an extra add button.

is this an oversightand should the add button appear in both?

Be interested to hear your thoughts.



Maureen and Al

I did those tests as I was running out the door this morning I'll try to recreate them tonight and report EXACTLY what I was doing. I think it may have something to do with trying to add transitions when there is no music space left at the end maybe??



The lightboxes have different uses. One shows the slides in the File List and from this you can select and add to the Slide List using the Add button or right click for other functions. The other shows the slides in the Slide List where you can move the slides around and also perform other functions by right clicking on a selected image. I hope this answers your query.

Ron [uK]


I have retested my results from this morning and confirm what I found plus an additonal point as shown in bold below:-

Try this

1. Start with a new presentation

2. Add 5 slides

3. Add some Music

4. In the timeline mode clear all the transition points and hit the ADD transition button to add the first slide right at the start (position 0)

5. In timeline press play and add three more transitions say at 10 sec intervals

Now you have 5 slides in the slide view window and 4 transitions on your timeline

6. Because you have more slides than transitions when you now add another transition ANYWHERE on the timeline PTE inserts the transition point AND takes the first slide that DOESN'T already have an assigned transition point (i.e. the 5th slide) and inserts it at that point. This is great as it means if you need to add a single slide to an already programmed show you just throw it in at the end of the slide list go to the point you want to insert it and hit ADD TRANSITION I didn't realise this in my earlier post.

Now you have 5 slides and 5 transitions if you try to add another transition point amongst your existing points PTE has no slide to use so it will grab the closest slide to the right and shift its transition point and slide to the new position which generally will be BAD as it leaves a gap - so hence the rule always have more slides than transitions when you are editing.


My biggest problem with the Timeline, and I have mentioned this on previous occasions, I want it to reflect my selections for timing of effects and time on the screen and not to alter all of my settings to give equally spaced transition points according to the length of the music. I need a choice other than "Customize synchronisation" so that I can do my final tweaking with the background music.

Ron [uK}



I realize this is one way to get around this present dilemma, but when I add an image to the slide list I want to insert it in the slide list where I want it to be, not throw it into the pool and do the positioning on the timeline where I can't see the thumbnails.

I reconfirmed the findings in my previous post. Maureen has also confirmed that she experiences the same situation with the new beta.

The new image will be added to the end of the slide list if you highlight and press "add" or go to the "Project" menu on the top menu bar and select "Actions ..." / "Add selected ...". However, I usually drag and drop the image from the file list to where I want it on the slide list.

Try this. Make sure you are using version beta 4 of 4.40.

Take an existing show with as many transitions as you have images on the slide list. Make note of where the first 4 or 5 transitions are located on the timeline. Take a new image from the file list and drag and drop it over slide 4 on the slide list. Image 4 will move over and the new image will replace it.

There should be more images on the slide list than there are transitions. In actual fact, one transition has moved over past the end of the music. So in fact, all transitions past #4 have moved to the right. But you want the new transition to lie somewhere between those for the original two images, #3 and #4 and all other transitions to remain where they were originally.

Go to the timeline view, click on a point between transition 3 and 4 and click "New transition".

When I do that, transition 4 moves over to where the cursor is and all other transitions stay put. There are still as many transitions as images, but one transition is still hanging over the end of the music, and there is no transition where transition 4 used to be and all other transitions have been shifted over a notch.

To put a transition back where 4 used to be, and restore the other transitions to where they were before you added the new image, you now have to click and drag all slides to the right of #4 over to the left.

It would be great if we had an option for applying the original operation for adding a new transition where if you click on the timeline and add a transition, no other transition markers will move.

Myself, I would prefer to have an option where no new transition is added when you add an image to the slide list so that when you then go to the timeline and add a transition between two others, no other transitions will move, and everything will be set up exactly where you want it. This is the way it used to be, and I feel it is a more convenient operation than with the present design.

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