DaveG Posted February 25, 2005 Report Posted February 25, 2005 I don't claim to understand all that has been said about the workings of the Custom Synchronisation interface but here are my experiences with the current beta:I have a sequence of 35 slides with music and with the Custom Sync option ticked I have each slide showing for approx 6 seconds (2 second transition).Step 1: I added a new side between slide one and slide two (dragged from left hand panel to right hand panel and dropped between 1 and 2)Step 2: In the Custom Sync interface I added a new transition at 2.5 seconds which had the effect of pushing the original number two slide onwards by 10 seconds - I do not understand that. However, by clicking on the last transition button (which is almost off screen) and shift/clicking on the third slide I am able to pull the third and all subsequent slides back to where they originally were i.e. number two slide at 2.5 seconds and number three slide at approx. 6 seconds. Can anyone explain the 10 second jump?DaveG.
alrobin Posted February 25, 2005 Report Posted February 25, 2005 Dave,It gives you a wide gap because when you click on add transition, it doesn't add a new transition, but pulls the existing one to the right of it over to where your cursor is.This is the same problem that I have described in my 2 previous posts in this thread.
Michel Posted February 25, 2005 Report Posted February 25, 2005 How I use: with by example 40 slides- Step 1: I add a new picture from the panel by "Add selected picture to the slide list"- Step 2: the new picture stays now at the end right of the slide list- Step 3: in the time line I see now 41 points; I select the point 41 and I delete the point- Step 4: I put the cursor where I want in the time line, by example between 2 and 3- Step 5: I use the button "New transition" and all is OK (all other points are not changed)I find it easy, but perhaps it's not the same for all.
alrobin Posted February 25, 2005 Report Posted February 25, 2005 Michel,You and Andrew are correct in that if you do this you will position the new transition where you want it on the timeline. However, I find this an awkward method for positioning slides as you have to remember to delete the images at the end. And, I am used to "dragging and dropping" onto the slide list.Also if you are adding a number of slides you don't want to be going to the timeline for each one separately. Once on the timeline, you might forget how many you had repositioned and accidently click too many times, thereby re-positioning one of the existing slides. It's just a messy way to achieve something that should be very simple. The old method worked more intuitively, IMHO.However, this work-around does work, and I could probably live with it until Igor can combine both windows to allow us to drag and drop images directly onto the timeline as you suggested.
DaveG Posted February 25, 2005 Report Posted February 25, 2005 Hi Michel,You are correct - that works really well.DaveG
ADB Posted February 25, 2005 Report Posted February 25, 2005 Al you are quite right and I can see why it is happening.When you add any images to the Slide Window PTE will automatically add a transition point at the end of the timeline using the default time set in the main Project Options Window. I didn't realize this. I was looking at the process from a different angle.This is a new feature and is why when you first go into the timeline PTE has already laid out transition points for you which it never used to do. All these problems are being caused by the fundamental change that if there is a slide added to the slide list there must also be a transition point added which I too don't like, I do yearn for the old system.As has been said many times in the discussion about this beta, Transition points are all important, in Customizable Synchronisation they should only be added when the user wants to add them and not by default by PTE. We are really asking that the linking function between slides and transitions be removed and that both slides and transitions can be managed independantly.
LumenLux Posted February 25, 2005 Report Posted February 25, 2005 ADB said: We are really asking that the linking function between slides and transitions be removed and that both slides and transitions can be managed independantly.Does "everyone" agree on this?If so, I think there still remain different preferences as to how this is implemented most efficiently for different cirucumstances (single vs multiple slides, insertion without shifting others, etc.) I don't envy Igor on how to do this. It seems Igor may be faced with building in seveal options so users select a method for the circumstances of the moment or their most typical work flow. If so, then a template approach may spare a user from facing too many decision each time they use the program? Admittedly, I have not done the in-depth evaluation that ADB, Al and others are doing, thank you!
Michel Posted February 26, 2005 Report Posted February 26, 2005 The mode of the time-line where points are locked to particular slide is really a new mode.We work now with real slides and not with abstract points , and it's very important also; we have not, as before 40 slides and 39 transitions, but now 40 slides and 40 transitions: before (old versions) we could not see (time line) the first slide !All customize synchronization window was rewritten and the work is really great in pratice; I think that one cannot ask Igor to rewrite this full code now; few people speaked here about this subject; only Igor can say if an option is possible.We have very good opinions of this new function for the moment from some users (sorry, they don't speak english !).Igor always heared but also must decide at a given time; as always, sure, he undoubtedly will answer soon; all is not perfect, but PTE change and will still change: much more discussions again ...
Coinneach Posted February 26, 2005 Report Posted February 26, 2005 Ron,You are right of course.I had looked at the two lightboxes whilst every slide in the folder was in the sequence. That's why the add button seemed to be the only difference.I should have spotted that the root folder was missing too. silly me.Thanks for your patience.Kenny
d67 Posted February 26, 2005 Report Posted February 26, 2005 HelloSorry if it's not the right topic but I found a very little curiosity with PTE's timeline (hope this was not yet notified) :- Timeline mode - clic on the Play button- the music starts and the cursor goes straight on- as soon as the cursor is in a position such as the first slide label is no more visible, clic the button Pause- You will then not be able to return to the first slide. To return to the first slide you must clic on the Stop button and then the Play button and, immediately after, the Pause button in order to see again the first slide's label.Not vital, just a curiosity
alrobin Posted February 26, 2005 Report Posted February 26, 2005 Michel,I hear you and having written lots of code myself, I sympathize with Igor.However, if he doesn't get it right with this beta, and continues to add features, make further changes, etc., it will be more and more difficult for him to correct this situation in the future. This is a beta version and that is what beta versions are for. If it takes a little longer to finalize it, then that is too bad, but IMO he should fix it now. Either go back to inserting transitions separately from slides the way it was, or find a way to have both options. The final product will be much improved if he does.You mentioned: Quote we have not, as before 40 slides and 39 transitions, but now 40 slides and 40 transitionsOne other advantage to the previous method of operation that hasn't been mentioned by anyone is that one could have more slides on the slide list than on the timeline and have both synchronized and non-synchronized methods of operation in the same slide show. This way you could have the synched show stop at the end of the music, and then advance the show manually to the next slide which was not on the timeline, and use it as a control point to go back into the show or ahead to other slides.
Michel Posted February 26, 2005 Report Posted February 26, 2005 No problem, Al, you are right for possible improvements: I said only, Igor hears always and also we can say if we are happy with the new function.I'm happy with the new function, but if a better improvement comes, I would be also more very happy !Beta is beta !
alrobin Posted February 26, 2005 Report Posted February 26, 2005 Trouble is, beta eventually becomes zeta!
Maureen Posted February 26, 2005 Report Posted February 26, 2005 She's Welsh too Thank You Igor for EVERYTHING you do for us and especially the ability to test and check & let you know how we want it all to work ! Many of us work in different ways so what is wonderful and works for some is not so good for others.I'm in the same camp/ boat as Al .......... Quote Either go back to inserting transitions separately from slides the way it was, or find a way to have both options. The final product will be much improved if he does.Sorry I'm too busy to do much testing at the moment. I do love having transitions locked but not when there is a risk of suddenly losing an important dissolve at a crucial point in the sequence, if I've spent lots of time deciding on exactly which millisecond I want it to happen. Think we all agree Igor is great !
Michel Posted February 26, 2005 Report Posted February 26, 2005 Quote camp/ boat I stay in no camp/boat . My choice is only PicturesToExe and I think only at the difficult work for the "Master".And we ask, we ask...perhaps also wait and see a moment after some tests and works of many users.
steveP Posted February 27, 2005 Report Posted February 27, 2005 This may be a bit of a silly question, but can I use the time line without music. I have and am creating alot of slideshow some with comments and qustions. the slide is often repeated with either a continuation or an answer (mainly fun comments). So I often want the answer or the question to apear for a short time compared to the rest of the show. The timeline was the easiest way to do this with music added but i could not do it via the timeline without music.Also with music I was trying to play from the current slide and I got some stange results, depending on which box on the left hand side was checked.Could we have a simple way of adjusting the duration of one slide and shuffelling the others along. This is something I have just done alot of and also it was easy when I selected all the following slides, I could not find just a quick click method.Some of these questions may be due to lack of familiarisation, so if i have missed something a quick answer would be appreciated.
JRR Posted February 27, 2005 Report Posted February 27, 2005 Steve:One way to use the Timeline with no music, is to just give it a track of silence for whatever time period you want.
steveP Posted February 27, 2005 Report Posted February 27, 2005 JRR: Thanks that sounds similar to the one pixel jpg I have used to give me a blank slide so i can control it with the background and object editor for quick credits etc. Pity we cannot have a one "pixel" sound that can be stretched to any length, therfore defining the the final show length at the start and arranging slides to fit.I have just found that Shift end Selects all slides to the end which is what I want when adjusting a slide duration in the middle and maintaing all other durations. I missed it at first as it appears to do the same as Ctl end and Alt end in that it moves to the last slide. It would be good if Shift End selected all slides to the End but stayed focused on the first selected slide. This would enable easy rippling of slides along.
Marianne Posted February 27, 2005 Report Posted February 27, 2005 I have also been playing with beta 4. I noticed a difference in the timeline. When you move a slide with the mouse, in earlier versions the time given in minutes and seconds changed on the fly. You could exactly see where to stop.In the new beta, the change is only to be seen when you stop moving. The numbers don't change with the movement.Anyone noticed this? I think it's a loss, because I use this a lot.
Jill Posted February 27, 2005 Report Posted February 27, 2005 I have only just found beta #4 so no time to test yet, but after reading other peoples comments my suggestions for the Timeline are as follows.I usually work by selecting images and building up effect times first, as it is the EFFECT BETWEEN TWO IMAGES that is most important to me. I usually set all screen times to a default of say 500ms. I then build up my music to match the slides. I will then go into the Timeline and adjust the transition points and screen times of the slides so that they fit the music.There will be several slides that I will want to fit exactly to points in the music, others will then need to be spaced evenly in between.So I would like to be able to :-1. Lock only certain slides say by RIGHT CLICK on the transition point and select LOCK. These transition points would change colour, say to RED. The transition point, slide, effect & screen time will then NOT ALTER unless you RIGHT CLICK and select UNLOCK.2. All UNLOCKED slides could be changed.Either individually or as a group in between the LOCKED slides. Also all UNLOCKED slides could be SHIFTED RIGHT to the end of the music and either DRAGGED back to where I need them, or inserted automatically by using NEW TRANSITION. Say if slide 5 was LOCKED, then slides 1-4 would be inserted before and then slide 6 etc would be inserted after the LOCKED slide.It would be nice if I could select all the slides in between LOCKED slides and ADJUST so that they were spaced evenly, ie for PTE to alter the screen times, but, MOST IMPORTANT - keep the original effect time.3. Be able to REPLACE an image with a different one.But keep the position, effect, screen time etc EXACTLY as for the image being replaced. NOTE it is just the image that is being replaced, the attributes relate to the slide number, NOT the slide name.4. Be able to add in new slides, in between existing ones. If I insert a new slide with effect time of 5sec, say in between, #3 currently at 1min with effect time of 10sec & #4 currently at 1:20min with an effect time of 5 sec.Then the new slide would be inserted at 1:11min, assuming that the default screen time is set to1sec in Project options. It is the default screen time that determines where to place new slides in between existing ones, rather than placing them in the middle. In this example the effect time & screen time of the new slide will fit between slide #3 & #4.If the new slide has an effect time of 10sec then it will not fit so a WARNING should be displayed and the transition point HIGHLIGHTED.5. I would love to be able to drag & drop slides from the slide list onto the timeline. This would be much easier to work with than having to keep going back to the main window. If this cannot be done until a later version then will it be possible to SAVE the project from the Timeline window. Currently I have to keep going back to the main window to save and create.Thank you Igor, for listening to our suggestions and trying to cater for all needs. It is much appreiciated.I will try to check out beta #4 and report back, hopefully before you create the next version. I have a hard time keeping up with you.Jill (North Wales)
ronwil Posted February 28, 2005 Report Posted February 28, 2005 TomI am using "Manual Show", reset to my requirements, introduced by Brian.Conflow on Sep.28 2004. Search for the thread "Manual Show".JillYour comments tie up with my on-going request to be able to use the timeline to my initial settings and not equal spacing within the time span of the music. Ron [uK]
bjc Posted February 28, 2005 Report Posted February 28, 2005 Tom,,,I was rather intrigued by your desire to replicate the old fashioned slide-projector style of presentation ~ so much so that I went ahead and produced a short ‘demo’ as to how that might look, using PTE.If you would like to see what I have created, contact me on bjc@bjc100.co.uk and I will email you a short 10 slide ‘show’ (1.4MB ZIP) ~ if you like the ‘effect’ I can send you the necessary PTE file (plus content) so that you can analyse what I have done, and how. Hopefully, that will be of some help. bjc
speacock Posted February 28, 2005 Report Posted February 28, 2005 One area that I use the timeline and find it sometimes difficult is to match a slide to a particular point in the music. I have also been known to adjust the transition to fit the music as well. This requires the shuffling of all future slides sometimes in either direction, or just a shuffling of one. I only ever use the automatic fit to music duration as a starting point everthing else is manual. In fact I have on quite a few occassions editted the music to fit the slide show. So really my hopes are that being able to use modifier keys to control how the slides and transitions interact is important to me as well as being able to preview quickly just portions of the presenatation. Not sure if this description of using the timeline helps.One thing i have just found usefull was the TV safe zone so thanks for that.
LumenLux Posted February 28, 2005 Report Posted February 28, 2005 tom95521 said: If I turn on display slide for: in project settings, the the customized timing works.The way I thought it should work is that customized settings have a higher precedence than project settings. So even if I have display each slide for: unchecked, the customized timing should work.I think you understand now that the custom slide settings do take precendence, over the the project settings. The way I see it is that it is easier to have it the way it is. This way, when you customize the slide, you don't have to remember to uncheck the project option. The project settings have a default setting and customize slide does not require you to mess with the project settings whether at default or not.
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