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I just started to use p2exe and it seems to be just what I need ... quick creation of protected slide shows ... but I found out that I need little bit more than that and I'd like to have some advice on following topics:

- is it possible to position image in a slide show

(like they should appear in left top corner or at

position [100,50] - because by default they appear

centered) ?

- are there some nice ways to create some roll-over

effects? So when mouse moves over an image/object

looks alive? Especially for sets of slideshows

it would be nice to have nice navigation panel to launch

them and I din't find a way to create it in p2exe - I couln't

achieve look and behaviour I wanted - I need some fading.

I tryed to use some animated gifs but p2exe doesn't

play them.

Maybe someone used some external program to

create navigation which launches p2exe slideshows



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Hi Peter,

Welcome aboard. On your first point if you search the forum for backgrounds you will find a wealth of info on how to place an image "off centre" Or you could try creating an image over image slide in photoshop.

The roll over I'll leave to the techies!

There is a nav pannell available from the main menu in project options. I have only used this once, as my work is secquences which run from start to finish,

good luck with your efforts and enjoy P2E


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Hi Alan

thank you for your answer .. I'll chek forum for "off center" image positioning - I thought that it would be basic setiing of the slide show - but it looks like it's not :-(

I'm working on a presentation for some artists and they are very pushy about the look and default navigation bar is not acceptable at all ... maybe I'll have to write some menu system myself (or I'll try to find something on the web) and I'll be simply launching p2exe generated presentations from it ...

Right now I'm struggling with switching music on and off (it's a pitty that there is no default command for that) - I'm also little bit disappointed as it handles different resolutions ...

Slide show design is pretty quick and cool ... if it would be more advanced on customize navigation cotrols creation it would be a great program ... and if it would generate also MAC presentation it would be an excellent program! :-)

by now


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PTE is still under development and most of what you would like to see incorporated has probably been noted by Igor (the originator or the program) even so, why not take a look at the thread on 'suggestions for the next release'

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