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resolution problem


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my slide shows are 80% based on my custom buttons/images to control slideshow but I found out that they look nice only in resolution I used when I designed them. I tryed to use max resolution (2048x2048) and low resolution pictures (800x600) and let them stretch or just ceneterd but controls keep floating arrond in different resolutions :-(

Probably this is some global problem in p2e - is there some nice solution to this ?

For now I made a small gadget which checks current screen resolution and lanuches proper slideshow (or closes in terms of design time resolution). It works fine but it is an extra work to adjust controls for various resolutions and generate executables for each ... I'd prefer some p2e way of doing it

btw If somone would like to use that slide show launcher (it's a standalone 13kb executable configurable by a config file) just drop me a mail

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Hi Pkobes,

This may help you:- The position of the 'Nav Bar' and 'Object Buttons' are a function of a

geometric equation "best fitted" to the actual Screen Resolution currently in use.

The most popular by far is the 1024 x 768pix.Format for 15"-18" Screens. This followed by

the smaller Screens of 800 x 600pix.Format. for 9"-12" Screens.

One can not adjust the relative positionof the 'Nav-Bar' but you can "tweak" the positions

of the 'Object Buttons' for 800x600pix and 1024x768pix. and larger.

The 'Object Button Screen' is best in a 'Monochrome 1 Colour Plain or Pattern' Full Screen.

Keeping Text to the centre of Screen one can then place the 'Button' vertically on the Left

or Right of Screen -or- as I do, Horizontally along the bottom of Screen.

In this way the 'Relative Shift' of the 'Buttons' goes un-noticed by everybody (except you)

for the reason that most people are 'married' to one Screen size.

Hope this helps,


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Re the "floating" OBJECTS.

This has been an "issue" for a long time and is a nuisnace if you use OBJECTS when presenting shows on different computers.

Sounds as though you have developed a workaround which is great.

In response to many requests over a year ago, Igor has indicated that he will look at the OBJECTS and I believe hopes to have them stablized in the next beta (not in the current series of 4.4 betas).

But this might be wishful thinking on my part ;);)

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I'm making slide show for artist and they you big monitors and big resolutions ... and right now I'm making a lideshow which is going to be distributed on CD with a book so I don't know on what kind of resolutions it will be viewed and I can't affort to compromise any shift of controls - slide show looks more like some flash stuff with navigations to view artits details, slideshow itelf etc. so there are controls all over the place and they 'have' to be where artist wants them so moving them to the right is out of the question

My launcher wors fine only it is quite pain in the neck to adjust 80 frames for 3 different resolutions :-(

I still don't understand why it is complicated to move objects the same way as picture gets stretched because scaling factor and therfore offset should be reasonably simple to calculate ... I hope there there will be a fix to this in near future

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I don't like "Fit to screen option", because the picture are resized with a less good quality.

You can use the maximum windowed mode...as 2048, etc....no problem.

But if "Fit..." is your choice, you must wait for the future.

PS: I have no problem with group and the windowed mode

But perhaps, I understood not full your problem.

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my pictures are way abouve screen resolution so fit always resizes them down (I think that happens anyway if picture is bigger than screen so that fit has no effect) ... as for as the quality result is OKis because all is resized to lower resolution (there is no ugly pixelize effect)

I also tryed windowed mode of 2048x2048 with no frame so it looks like full screen an I hoped that it would create big centered window where margins are out of the screen and screen just shws center of it ... so I can avoid p2e stretching (that my picture always fits to the huge window) and therefore there won't be any controls moving around... but p2e creates window of max size of the screen so stretching and controls reflowing occured again :-(

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