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Cercherò di essere più preciso,

per sincronizzazione fra immagine e musica intendo variare l'immagine quando la musica varia, la musica ha un tempo e secondo l'esecuzione ci sono strumenti che dominano, per esempio: un tamburo che fa sentire una serie di colpi, ad ogni battuta voglio mandare una foto, come faccio? non riesco a trovare una timeline.

Spero di essere stato chiaro, scusatemi per la mia scarsa preparazione, ringrazio per la disponibilità Raffaello

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Hi, Rafaello,

Welcome to the Forum!

You wrote:

I will try to be precise: for synchronization between image and music I want to vary the image when the music changes,  .....snip...., for example: a drum ...snip...., on every beat I want to change the image as I play the music.    I have not been able to find a timeline.   I hope I have been clear, excuse me for my insufficient preparation, I don't know how to thank you for the opportunity.

Which version of PTE are you using?

If you are using the latest "beta" version, then follow these steps:

First you have to add some music (preferrably an "mp3" file) in "Project Options / Music".

Then you check "Project Options / Main / Synchronize slideshow to music duration" and click on "Customize Synchronization". This will open the "Timeline" window where you can now click on "Waveform" to see the music waveform.

If you have images in the "slide list" you will see a number of transition markers on the timeline. You can delete all of these by clicking on "Timed points / delete all transition points".

Now you can click on "Play" and whenever you hear a drum beat where you want a transition, you simply click on "New Transition". Once you have done this once, you can then hit the space bar whenever you want a new transition. Hope this helps. Please excuse me for my poor Italian! :)

You can translate this by going to: Babel Fish

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