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PTE willl not open image in Preview


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Something strange is happening in PTE. In the Preview mode, some images will not be shown...I get the error message "Cannot open file...."

I have narrowed down what is causing this but I don't know why. Each time I open an image in Adobe Photoshop CS (that has come from a slide scanned from my Nikon Coolscan LS30), and make an adjustment, or only do a 'Save As', the file then will not open during a Preview in PTE and I get the "Cannot open file" for that specific image, then it continues on. I then openned the same image in Paint Shop Pro, and did a 'Save As', and then this image openned just fine in PTE's Preview. I thought at first the image was stuck in memory so I rebooted, but that did not help. Only if I re-save it in another program other than Photoshop does it then open in PTE's Preview. The other strange thing is that those images that will not open in Preview will be shown just fine when viewing the .exe file.

I also did a test of previously used images and did a 'Save As' in Photoshop of some images but they did NOT cause a problem. The ones that are giving me a problem are slides that I just scanned in using a Nikon Coolscan unit. They work fine in Preview until I bring them into Photoshop and do a 'Save As". Then the problem appears and I get the "Cannot open file..." with this image.

Does anyone have any suggestions where to look to fix this?

Thanks.... Gary

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i would try putting all your picts for the show in a new folder and then saving them as jpeg's

start a new show using these picts

Ken...I tried it but no luck. I tried scanning a slide and saving it as a TIFF. Then, I converted it to a JPG. I did a Save As in Photoshop of this JPG and this file does NOT have the problem. The only time the problem occurs is when I directly save a scanned image as a JPG and then do a SaveAs in Photoshop CS. PTE does not like this JPG file. A way around all of this is to scan the hundreds of slides as TIFFs and then convert them to JPGs. BUT... I am at my wits end trying to figure out why PTE does not want to show a JPG image that was scanned from a slide and saved as a JPG and then 'SavedAs' in Photoshop CS. I talked to a Nikon tech guy but he has no idea. He blames it on Photoshop or PTE...

What is also strange is that it plays OK in the exe file...but not in Preview.


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Perhaps it has something to do with the image mode? 16 bit or 8 bit? Could be the settings of your scanner.

Or your files are too big to load quickly in the preview mode.  Are your settings in Paintshop the same as in Photoshop?

Marianne... The scanner is 8 bit. The files are not big...only 300k - 800K. I have had much larger files with no problem. When I do a SaveAs in either program, the settings seem the same. Not much to choose when you do a SaveAs for a JPG. Gary

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get yourself a copy of Irfanview


also get the plugin package

the install inst's are on the site

it will recognize a scanner

scan slide in as a tiff then using irfanview save as a jpg at 80% comp

see how pte likes it now


open your tiffs that are already scanned with irfanview -or the files that have been processed by Photoshop if it is a wrong extension it has the smarts to tell you that it is wrong and will recommend the proper extension

i have had a similar problem with pictures that i saved with adobe and with paintshop pro acting up -- they seemed to have a hidden extension even tho' they had the jpg extension -- never had those sort of problems with irfanview

frustrating but you will get it :)


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another possibility, is that you might be producing CYMK files via your Scanner - and saving them as 8bit JPG's out of Photoshop,, but STILL in CYMK format ----- PTE can't read CYMK JPG's !?

Check, before you save each file from Photoshop that they ARE 8bit and that they ARE in RGB ~ whilst this might NOT be the reason for your 'problem' I cannot think (at the moment) of any other reason WHY PTE cannot read your Photoshop produced JPG's.

One question though ~~ why are you not scanning your images directly into Photoshop in the first instance ? You appear to be going a very long way around to get the images that you are after.


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another possibility, is that you might be producing CYMK files via your Scanner - and saving them as 8bit JPG's out of Photoshop,, but STILL in CYMK format ----- PTE can't read CYMK JPG's !?

Check, before you save each file from Photoshop that they ARE 8bit and that they ARE in RGB ~ whilst this might NOT be the reason for your 'problem' I cannot think (at the moment) of any other reason WHY PTE cannot read your Photoshop produced JPG's.

One question though ~~ why are you not scanning your images directly into Photoshop in the first instance ? You appear to be going a very long way around to get the images that you are after.



I checked the images and the Image/Mode shows RGB and 8 bit. So I don't think CYMK is causing the problem. Also, when a SaveAs is done, there is no way of changing the Mode that I can see. The original JPG works, but not the 'Save'd As' version. Very strange.

I am not scanning the images directly into PS because I am planning on doing about 400-500 images and will do edits/adjustments after they are all digitized.

Thanks... Gary

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Preview Problems

Over the years I had this problem with various Software Suites in that they 'embed' instructions into images for future processing.

This is a feature of 'JPeg Image Technology' (should that feature be in use).

The feature is also used by Canon and Nikon downloading Software

"Adobe Products" often use this feature and when one understands what Adobe is all about then you have to be careful about what you are doing. Adode products 'assume' that you will upload and download from the Internet such as "PDF Files" and its the reason that thepowerful "Adode Reader" is on most PC's.

The "Adobe Writer" however you normally have to pay for.

With reference to Photoshop, it's clever enough to recognise the 'embedded encodeing' - it's an Adode product, and when you select...Save As...it will do exactly that and create a 'File of Types' in the Registry Root Directory which other Programs simply won't recognise.Why should they seeing that the Image contains 'embedded' instructions unique to Adobe.

However if you give the Image a different 'File Name' and save as a JPeg it should work.

Provided your 'Program Options' are carefully selected in the 1st. instance.

A simple way out of all this is to use the "Exif Image Downloader" (Freeware) then you can export the Images into any Program you wish. This Program is compliant with Canon,Nikon,Olympus,Pentax etc..etc.

By necessity this explaination is kept simple - the facts however remain as is.

Hope this helps,


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This seemingly random issue has been reported before - see see here

I've had it happen a couple of times with images that have been saved in identical format to others that remain visible! Then returning to the project a few days later all is back to normal.


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"...However, if you give the Image a different 'File Name' and save as a JPeg it should work...."

Conflow, I think I followed most of what you said but I have tried saving the JPG as a different name but it still will not Preview any JPG from my Nikon scanner that I have done a Save or SaveAs in Photoshop.

Thanks... Gary

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Hi Steve,

Thats a 'clever idea' it should work - I only hope that the Photoshop Options are not set

to retain the 'Exif and IPIC Data'. From experience I know too well the difficulty of trying

to get around these embedded codes.

Its the reason I use 'Exifer' and 'Exif Reader' where you can actually command the

Code Stripping prior to...Saving As...

The 'Exifer' by Friedmann Schmit from www.snapfiles.com and the 'Exif Reader'

from the same source will 'strip' the entire Gallery for him in one fell swoop and he can

'Watermark' his photos if needed. Furthermore it also saves the Exif/IPIC data should

he need it for future use. OOhh, I forgot - both programs are 'Freeware'.

Well worth a try -

Hope this helps,


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"Instead of using Save As have you tried Save For Web. This will give you a jpeg file with all the unnecessary info stripped out. The end result is a smaller file size of the same image quality.


Hi Steve...

I just tried doing your suggestion to use "Save For Web." Yes, indeed, it worked!! I tried to use the 'Save As' and unchecking the ICC and Preview blocks but that did not work. Only "Save For Web" lets me Preview the image in PTE after making adjustments in PS. In the past, when I made slide shows from scanned slides, I must have saved them as TIFFs, and then converted them to JPGs, because saving the TIFF to JPGs does not present the problem.

So thanks all for helping me get through this one. Now I can save them as JPGs and bring them into PS to make any adjustments and then just save them using Save For Web. Another, strange but true experience.

Thanks much... Gary

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Hi Goddi,

Thats good news, great to read that you can now save to Photoshop and do your work.

But keep in mind that...Save to Web...is using the 'Adobe Protocol' in Photoshop to 'config'

your work - you probably found that the 'Images' are smaller than the origionals.

There are some Programs where you can't load Adobe protocols - just keep that in mind

should you run across some other problems in the future. If you ever get an oppurtunity

to download the 'Exif Reader' it will be time well spent !

Best of luck to yourself, and to Steve for the work-around.


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