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I discovered a nice little free MP3 player....the ultimate in simplicity...and plays beautifully.

You can copy the program over to a CD with an MP3 folder and it will play beautifully with no install on any Windows computer.

It's called Billy and consumes about 2/3 mbytes...no skips or advertising...but remember it's simple...and Oh! how I love simplicity in this complex world.

You'll find Billy here:

Billy Download Page

Just thought I would pass it along....




:o you are doing this again !!!


no installation, Free etc....

Here: >>>>>> My Webpage

Another very simple but useful player is "Ron Player".

See "RonPlayerViewer" which has two small utilities (idea of Ronniebootwest).

:angry: Granot


All of us 'oldies' on the forum are well aware of what Granot has done for all PTE users over the years. His utilities are always very good (we are spoilt for choice at times). There is no need to go searching the internet for utilities such as an mp3 player - or a WAV player or a video player, because they are all available from Granot. I have found the guy to be most helpful and always willing to amend his utilities if you find that you would like a simple tweak to make them work better for you.

Support him, he deserves it! Visit his web site and see what he has to offer. CLICK HERE:


You're right ronniebootwest - but as Granot himself has confided - even he can not keep track of all the utilities he has concocted! :D Also, I think it is always a good policy for any user to bring attention to all of us, any thing that might be useful. And in this case you and Granot remind us. All is good.


Thanks for the reply Granot!

I downloaded EasyMP3 and it's a slick little program...didn't know you had it.

To others...I am very well aware of Granot's genius...I as well as many of my friends utilize Granot's MultiPlayer for all of our CD PTE releases to friends and relatives...unfortunately his utilities on his web site are so voluminous...it's easy to overlook the obvious.

I 'm impressed by EasyMP3 now that I'm aware of it. Billy is still a very good and simple player also. I directed it to an external hard drive where I maintain a music volume exceeding 10,000 mp3s...it found and placed all 10,000+ pieces in the playlist and began playing in 9 seconds with no burps or misses.

Just curious? How many PTE users utilize Granot's MultiPlayer. I maintain nearly 100 PTE slideshows on my computer and I've found MultiPlayer a godsend for sorting thru and playing these shows. I send a lot of shows to nephews, nieces, brothers and sisters and always produce a CD with an Autorun for MultiPlayer. Most are not computer literate but they quickly catch on to MultiPlayer. The only problem I've had is the meassage when MultiPlayer starts that asks "Do you wish to temporarily store the slideshow on your hard drive?". This confuses many. I suggested to Granot that he provide an option to remove this message, as most CD players and computers are fast enough to keep up now days. Evidently, this is not an easy option to implement.

Again regarding MP3 players...as I maintain a very large music database...it can become very difficult to manage...a music database software I use to manage and sort through is free and called MediaMonkey (there is a Gold version that isn't free)...I've found it to be absolutely fantastic and it is located for download here:


It will do just about anything from mass creation of ID Tags, mass renaming, to burning...by the way 99% of my music was encoded from original music that I own including LPs, CDs, and Cassette tapes.

Thanks for the responses....



I use

My default MP3 player is MusicMatch

when checking music

Irfanview as first choice

then WMP 10

then audacity


Media Jukebox

it depends what i want to do - Irfanview is the best all around



Ken Cox,

When you said you used IrfanView to play music....I thought oh! no! Ken's mixed up or "went over the edge."

I'll be darned! I opened an MP3 file with IrfanView and a player came up and did an excellent job of playing? I've used IrfanView for photo work for several years....but never realized...music!...you live and learn.

thanks for the insight Ken

Also I suspect you have tons of music like me...but I don't know. If you do have a large archive, try out MediaMonkey...It's a bit of an over-kill for small music archives...but for large archives I think it will totally amaze you...even though it's free...I'd have paid good money for all it's abilities.





with the Irfanview plugins installed it will play a whole bunch of stuff even avi's, mpeg's etc

it uses very little resources, a small footprint on one's system -- just like p2e "

small and powerfull"

as i often say

"small is better"

and there is a shell extension for irfanview by another outfit that gives one still more features with the r mouse



IrfanView ShellExtension 1.02


The only problem I've had is the meassage when MultiPlayer starts that asks "Do you wish to temporarily store the slideshow on your hard drive?". This confuses many. I suggested to Granot that he provide an option to remove this message

I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do because it will remove the ability to allow user to install shows. When you make your "MultiPlayer" project you can choose between "Install files" or "Allow user to decide". If I make this change, then if you don't configure the "MultiPlayer" to install files, user will have to run all shows from CD.

Ken, if what you say is true: "as most CD players and computers are fast enough to keep up now days" then I can make this change. But will this change fit other members too, and does really most computers fast enought to very big show ? If you think yes, so I'll make the change. I really don't know what to decide. Somebody have to help me in this decission.

Regarding small and simple utilities, I can easily simplify any of mine. I'm glad if they are useful to members but many new members don't know about my web page.

I will appreciate anyone who has a web site and put a link to my utilities page.

Thank you all while enjoying my vacation,

:P Granot

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