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setting defaults in object editor for buttons


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Hi Welcome to the forum !!!

I see you are not having much luck with getting answer to your question.

I can't answer it either, but don't get discouraged, someone will pop in with the answer for you. I have not asked a question yet for which I did not get a helpful answer


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Ok, this is not a very complete answer but may get you started. Not knowing exactly what your project is and object use etc. - See if you can use the "copy slide" ability of PTE. Prepare a slide with all the objects that will be more or less repeated. Then instead of starting from scratch each time in the object editory, you may find it easier to just make changes. The other idea would be if the "template" feature would fit your needs. When you create a template, the saved template file includes everything you want that you might want to use as a default. This normally is used where you want defaults for each show, but you may find it useful. Maybe you have already tried all of this and really need a better idea.

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Another possibility is to load up my "Adjustor" model in Excel, open your slide show .pte file per the instructions given, and then you can go into the spreadsheet and using the "find / replace" option, change the object font to whatever you want.

Object fonts are shown for each slide in a separate section in the spreadsheet, easily identified by the slide number. You can either change each one "manually", or globally using the "replace" algorithm. You may have to experiment a bit first, to make sure you get the name right. If you set one slide object first in PTE, and then open it in "Adjustor", you will readily see what it should be called. Then save the pte-based file as "xxxxxxx.prn", where is the file name you want to use, exit from Excel, and then change the name of the new file you created to "xxxxxxx.pte" and load it back into PTE.

If there is enough demand for this, I could probably design a more user-friendly capability sometime to do this more "automatically".

You can download "Adjustor" here: Adjustor Model By the way, I am about to release Version 2.00, a much improved edition. :)

Let me know if you require further instructions.



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