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Problems with P2E


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:huh: I would like to know why when I make an autorun cd - the cd seems to hang and freeze up - I've tried everything - resized the files to around 500k from the original file size of 5mb -- only put 1 mp3 on the cd -- this is only with around 35 slides - total size of the show is around 15 mb total -- I'm running a Dell - Pent 4 - 512mb ram - etc... win xp - it starts up fine - but then after the 4th or 5th slide - it somewhat stops and freezes for a few seconds -- then maybe starts back going again - only to lag again -- ???? this is very frustrating -- when I run it from my hard drive - it runs PERFECT -- I need to be confident that when I send one to a customer - that the cd will run smoothly and not hang up, freeze, or even worse -- bring up the fatal blue screen - kiss of death on their pc -- ( I'm running ver 4.40 beta # 7 )

Any suggestions would be great.



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I am no techie, but I suspect your issue is trying to run it from the CD with such large files.

Normally we aim at file sizes between 100-300kb. (I use files 200-300kb only when I have a large expanse of one colour background that might pixellate if the file were smaller)

Your CD reader likely isn't fast enough to read from the CD to keep up the show, many of us don't run shows from a CD unless they are relatively small.

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