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Hello all you experts again. :rolleyes:

I am slowly trying to learn to use some of the other features of PTE. Trying to be brave and get away from just the basics.

There is one feature I can not quite see how it works, or what it does exactly.

In Project Options,

Music Tab, there is a small tick box at the bottom of the page,

"Don't interrupt sound comment when next slide appears".

When and how is this feature used and what does it do????

At first I thought it was to do with an extra sound track, i.e. Voice over, but I know you have to add that to a slide from the front screen.

Can anyone explain this feature to me....

Thank you



This is a new feature that we are VERY grateful Igor implemented.

One way to add a sound track is to add it on the SOUNDLINE on the MAIN page, just above the thumbnails/file names of the images in the show.

In pre-4.4 beta days, if you added a sound track there (used mainly for voice-overs) that was longer than the image was on the screen for, the sound track was cut off when the next image came up.

This was VERY frustrating when you wanted to do a voice-over that carried across two images. So the remedy I had to use was to VERY CAREFULLY mix the voice-overs in with the background music. That takes a lot of work and re-makes to get timed just right.

Now it is a breeze.


Ah, thank you Jim for your answer to my question.

So it is for extra tracks, like a voice-over.

I am in the process of building a new show and have put a voice over to it, but like you, because it was to cover a couple of slides I have been playing with Audition adding the voice-over to the sound track. What a fiddle. I have learned quite a lot about Audition, pitty it is only a trial copy.

I will now try this feature out in PTE

This program gets better and better.



I use Audition and it is great

There is another software that can do almost all Audition can (Well I am not sure about "all" ;) )

AUDACITY, its free.

Just Google it and you'll find it.

Hope things are fine across the "pond"



I did have a short fiddle with Audacity, but did not seem able to save MP3's and lost patience with it. I think I will have to look at it again and take the time to learn it when this trial period for Audition runs out, which I think is imminent. Mind you I managed to find out how to do a few things in this audition package, so surely I can manage to handle audacity if I take my time and knuckle down to it.

There is always something new to learn! :wacko::(

Things are not too bad here, the weather has warmed up a little at last.

Glenys :P



You are right, Audacity as downloaded will not write a mp3 file.

MP3 is a propriatory (spelling ?) format, but the AUDACITY site points you to various places to download the missing file. All you have to do is download it, save it and point AUDACITY to it and you'll be able to save as mp3.

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