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Like a lot of camera clubs, we are currently looking at ways in which we can allow members to enter "digital slides" into competition. In order to be able to do this, I need some software that can be used in a similar way to a traditional slide projector.

In order for this to work, I need to be able to flag certain images to be re-shown, and others to be dropped from the show, at runtime. Is this possible in P2E? If not, can anyone suggest another mechanism for doing this?

Kind regards

Simon Coates



One club I know uses THUMBSPLUS, another uses ACDC

Thumbplus has the advantage of being colour managed.

ANother club designed their own software.

Based on my experience, I don't think PTE is the best option here

Although PTE being so flexible, there is little it can't do..... ;):D



Why not give BreezebrowserPro a try !

It can tag images (for deletion?), also rank images (1-5), and compare up to 4 images simultaneously - what more could a club want!

Den (NE UK)


You might also do a search in PTE for Manual Slide Show by Conflow. It is just a question of setting up a Template in PTE, maybe modified to suit individual needs. It should suit most of your requirements. A pencil note of any that the judge might want to see again shouldn't present any problems with the use of the Light Table - e.g. right click on image and select move to the top. Then you can run those top ones through again, backwards and forwards at the judge's behest.

Ron [uK]


Not having that kind of need, I have never thought about what you suggest Ron. Sounds like a useful idea. Is anyone out there using PTE that way - ie. "live" with the program instead of with the resultant .exe file?


I could have added that my grandson, David, gave a talk at our Camera Club on his work as a sports photographer using Conflow's Manual Slide Show.

I also use it to run through a set of new images. Open PTE, select the Manual Show Template, load the images, Preview then use the arrow keys to view at leisure.

Ron [uK]

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