Igor Posted March 28, 2005 Report Posted March 28, 2005 We are glad to introduce PicturesToExe v4.40How to download:http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr.zip (1.40 Mb)or self-extracting EXE file: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr.exe (1.40 MB)First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to all people who participated in creation of this version 4.40! Without your help and wide testing it would not possible!New version contains "Curling of page" transition effect. We've fully reworked "Customize synchronization" window (Ctrl+L). It contains a lot of new functions, for example, you can select several transition points, and it's possible now to work with slides on the timeline: ability to insert and delete slides right on the timeline.Now you can edit personal settings of several selected slides.And many other new features and improvements. Please read the full list below:p.s. now we're working on completely new version of PicturesToExe to realize Pan/Zoom/Rotate effects.What's new in v4.40:+ Added new terrific transition effect: Curling of page It contains 16 variations and ability to set radius of curling. Horizontal/vertical variations of this effect work smooth on any PC. (Note: Diagonal variants require a very fast PC. We'll try to optimize this new diagonal effect in the future.)+ Fully reworked "Customize synchronization" window:> Work with real slides on the timeline.It means that every transition point is exactly linked with a particular slide.> Added "Shift points..." feature allows to shift all or selected points.> Added "Shift all points to right" function moves all points outside the music; > Added "Insert Slide" button. Now you can insert one or several new slides directly into the timeline.> Added "Delete Slide" button removes selected transition points and slide(s).> Added "Replace Main Image" action in popup menu. (Click the right mouse button on a transition point.)> Cancel button abolishes all changes with slides (if you mistakenly deleted slides);> Added a popup menu for transition point(s);> Multi-select and various actions with several selected transition points;> And all usual actions with Shift and Ctrl keys;> Added a transition point of a first slide;> Improved preview of transition effects;> Vastly improved a show of waveforms. Just click "Waveform" button and all visible waveforms will be shown automatically;> Ability to change a duration of an effect visually. Drag the small grip at the end of the effect strip;> Press Up/Down keys for the accurate (+/- 10 ms.) moving of the cursor;> Press Ctrl+Up/Ctrl+Down keys (or < >) to move cursor between slides and strips of effect durations;> Press Right/Left keys to move between transition points;> Added "Import Points from Another Project..." function;> Added "Auto Addition of New Transition Points for New Slides" option. (See "View" popup menu). Disable it if you prefer to control fully the addition of new transition points; > Other improvements. + Now you can edit personal settings of several selected slides.It means that, for example, it is possible to set a transition effect for several slides, but the other personal parameters will be left individual. + Alternative Slide list, File panel or Timeline scrolling. Hold Alt key, press mouse button and move the mouse (as in PageMaker, or in Photoshop).+ Added "Timeline" button to the main window of PicturesToExe and Ctrl-L hotkey for the same purpose.+ Improved the protection of "Expire date" option.+ Added new kinds of protection: "Expire after (days)" and "Number of runs".+ Improved Navigation bar:> Added "Auto hide Navigation bar after <...> seconds" options;> Added "Hide Navigation bar at startup" option; + Improvements in AVI video output:> It supports personalized background music now. (If you want to set a new playlist starting from a definite slide.)> Added "Show safe TV zone" option in Visual editor window. This can be useful for preparing a slide show for DVD disc.+ "Display slides in random order" option works for synchronized shows.+ Added "Don't interrupt sound comment when next slide appears" option. It allows to play sound comment during several slides. (Project options | Music tab).+ Added "Random order" function (Alt+R or see popup menu) for the Slide list. It will help to sort all (or selected) slides in random.+ Improved "Run application" action for buttons/hyperlinks or when a new slide appears: > It allows to run several applications. Type: "notepad.exe, "calc.exe"> It is possible to specify a parameter: "C:\My Slide show.exe" 7Please use double quotes for file paths to applications. E.g.: "notepad.exe" "C:\My text.txt"+ You can start another slide show (EXE file) from a necessary slide of a current one.Use "Run application" action and type: "C:\My Slide show.exe" 7+ Added "Offset" parameter to "Comments" tab in the Project options. + Improved file transference of a project into another disk or PC. (Copy the main folder of your project (which may contain embedded folders with pictures or music) and PicturesToExe will find new file paths.) + Various improvements in the interface of the main window.+ PicturesToExe automatically detects protected WMA files if you add them and shows warning message that the program could't play such files on another PCs. (It is not our restriction, PicturesToExe physically can't play protected WMA files)* Improved stability of music player on two-CPU PC with Windows 2000.* Fixed the bug with the show of some transparent GIFs in the 16-bit (Hi-Color) screen mode. * Fixed a small visual bug in Visual editor.* Fixed the bug when error message occured after the last slide with the following parameters: the slide show is synchronized, "Show transition effect to desktop after last slide" option is checked, and the first slide is shown without a main picture. Quote
ronwil Posted March 28, 2005 Report Posted March 28, 2005 Thanks Igor. I have downloaded satisfactorily and will read through your notes and take a full look after breakfast. Best wishes.Ron WilkinsonRon [uK] Quote
ronwil Posted March 28, 2005 Report Posted March 28, 2005 Couldn't resist having a further look before breakfast, but in order to use the Timeline, I followed an idea which I believe was suggested in a much earlier thread and created a *.mp3 file of 5 seconds of Silence. As a result, I have decided to set up a folder of these "Silences" for further use when required.Back to PTE 4.40 everything that I have tried so far has worked as I expected. Thanks.Ron [uK] Quote
think(box) Posted March 28, 2005 Report Posted March 28, 2005 Igor, let me be the second to congratulate you on this great success!The sound and picture sync capabilities give us the control and accuracy we need. And it is SO easy. And thank you for the many small improvements that many of us have requested, now ALL done. Wow.Cheers! Quote
alrobin Posted March 28, 2005 Report Posted March 28, 2005 Igor,Many congratulations on a wonderful product! Where can we obtain an autographed boxed version?I would like to echo the sentiments already expressed by saying I am truly appreciative of all the efforts you have expended on our behalf and for the many new features you have developed over the past couple of years!Now you deserve a looooong holiday! All the best with the new PTE! Quote
JRR Posted March 28, 2005 Report Posted March 28, 2005 "encore" to all the above comments !!!!As Alrobin says, take a good vacation nowThank you very much Quote
Michel Posted March 28, 2005 Report Posted March 28, 2005 Well done !PicturesToExe gets what it is: great and very precise.Thanks to the team . Quote
What A Ride Posted March 28, 2005 Report Posted March 28, 2005 Igor and team, I will now officially remove ProShow from my computer, as I have known for quite awhile now that PicToExe blast PSG out of the water, mainly in regards to replay of sound and video. Thank You. I know of no other software company that provides customer support and product improvements such as what you folks have been providing. Thanks again...Bill Quote
Ed Overstreet Posted March 28, 2005 Report Posted March 28, 2005 Just to add to the chorus of thanks for all you and your team have done, Igor -- some time ago, when you first announced the incorporation of the waveform in the timeline, I had posted something to the effect that it wasn't a priority and I couldn't see myself using it. Well, time to eat those words -- in the past month I've put together six PTE shows, and in each one I've found the ability to locate the music pulses (and, once I sorted it out, how to identify the beats visually) amazingly helpful in getting my transition points spot-on the beat (when that's what I want) quickly and easily. I know this feature has been available for some time now, but I now think that feature is right up there with the excellent video working of the transitions (including the smoothest fade function I've seen in any software at any screen resolution) as a compelling reason to use this software and no other for audio-visual production.Thanks again! Quote
LumenLux Posted March 28, 2005 Report Posted March 28, 2005 Thank you Igor and team! Thanks also to forum members who help!The whole operation is a model in a software world that has often gone astray. 'Thank you for my favorite program! Quote
lindap Posted March 30, 2005 Report Posted March 30, 2005 Hi there,This is the 1st posting I have made to PTE although I have been using the programme for almost a year now.I just had to say how thrilled I am with the new update, especially the rolling page effect. The download was so simple -even for a moron like me. Many thanks Igor & team -keep up the good work -it's a great programme.lindap Quote
boxig Posted March 31, 2005 Report Posted March 31, 2005 HiI have two small problems but first a question to Igor:Igor,Isn't the "Run app after last slide" supposed to run the app on any case when user exit the show ? - sometimes it is very importans if I MUST run app when show exit, but there is no way to do it if user exit before reaching last slide. I remember we talked about it but don't remember how it ends.Question:Can we use "Show first transition from desktop" and "Show transition to desktop after last slide" both in same show ? (I tried but can't make it work)Question:Why the caption of "customise slide No...." when I want to use one of the above mentioned options always gives the number of "Total Number slides+1" ?What I mean is: Project Options >>> Screen >>> Customize Button >>> a window open with wrong caption. If I have only 7 slides it says: "Customize slide # 8" in bothe cases if I check the "Show first transition from desktop" or if I check the "Show transition to desktop after last slide" or if I check both (which as I said on my question 1 does not work for me).Help will be appreciated.Thank youGranot Quote
Guest Techman1 Posted March 31, 2005 Report Posted March 31, 2005 Granot,I just tried the show transition from the desktop and on the last slide and it works fine. I believe the slidecount adds one to reflect the addition of the final transition "to" the desktop as that would be considered a virtual slide (just my opinion). I'm sure Igor can answer this exactly.I remember you bringing up the first issue "Run app after last slide" and I too don't recall if there was ever a solution should the client/user exit before it got to that point. There would need to be some type of flag setup in PTE to capture this and upon exit go to "Run app". This would be a nice feature as I always show my name and contact information for marketing purposes (photography) at the end of each show.Anyway, I'm sure Igor will answer your questions with the exact information you request. I hope your vacation is going well! Take care.p.s. - To Igor and the team, thank you again for an excellent release of PTE and all the wonderful enhancements to this great program. PTE truly just keeps getting better and better. Congratulations again! Fred Quote
boxig Posted April 2, 2005 Report Posted April 2, 2005 Fred,That was my thought about the extra slide.About my other problem, I noticed the Transition from desktop works on Full Screen mode but not on windowed. I'll wait for someone to help here.Granot Quote
ccmanz Posted April 2, 2005 Report Posted April 2, 2005 boxig said: Igor,Isn't the "Run app after last slide" supposed to run the app on any case when user exit the show ? - sometimes it is very importans if I MUST run app when show exit, but there is no way to do it if user exit before reaching last slide. I remember we talked about it but don't remember how it ends.Granot,This might be the post you are looking for!http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...&f=2&t=1393&hl= Quote
boxig Posted April 2, 2005 Report Posted April 2, 2005 Chuck,Thanks a lot !!! my memory is so bad Granot Quote
Bert Posted April 3, 2005 Report Posted April 3, 2005 Hi,The layout of my "Project Options" box is still the same as it was in the older versions. But it has all the new buttons and it is very "cramped" and some text is cut off. Should it not look the same as the "Project Options" box in the new tutorials? .Does anybody have the same problem?Thanks for your info.Bert Quote
Jimbo Posted April 4, 2005 Report Posted April 4, 2005 You might have to increase your screen resolution settings. What are you set at now? If you're at 800x600 then go up to 1024x768. Give it a try. Quote
Alan Lyons Posted April 4, 2005 Report Posted April 4, 2005 Just a big Thank You to Igor and co. for all their efforts in making the best A/V software around. I ran many shows using all sorts of software this weekend, and was proud to see that only the P2E shows consistently ran on the first click, ran smoothly , and presented the shows as intended. The new version is even better.Thanks again, Alan Quote
Bert Posted April 4, 2005 Report Posted April 4, 2005 Hi,The layout of my "Project Options" box is still the same as it was in the older versions. But it has all the new buttons and it is very "cramped" and some text is cut off. Should it not look the same as the "Project Options" box in the new tutorials? .Does anybody have the same problem?Thanks for your info.BertJimbo, my screen resolution is set at 1024 x 768. I tried to attach a sreen shot of what my Project Options Box looks like but could't. Igor can I send it to you and you can tell me what is wrong with it?Thanks,Bert Quote
Igor Posted April 4, 2005 Author Report Posted April 4, 2005 Bert, this problem comes when you set "Large fonts" (120 dpi) in Windows.I know about this visual problem and will try to optimize for this mode.Please let me know your version of Windows?Granot,1) (answered)2) Of course, you can use "Show first transition from desktop" and "Show transition to desktop after last slide" together.3) It works as additional slide, so I named it as Slides count + 1 Quote
Bert Posted April 4, 2005 Report Posted April 4, 2005 Igor thanks for your quick reply, my windows version is XP Home Edition.Bert Quote
Conflow Posted April 4, 2005 Report Posted April 4, 2005 IGOR & TEAMCongrats to you all, great job. I have been running PTE4.40 for the past Week and I thought you should know the following:-1)...It's fully compliant with the 'New Microsoft Anti-Spyware Program Beta 1.1'2)...It's also fully compliant with 'Microsofts Dot.Net Platform' (.NET)...It runs superbly !3)...Modifying Images is so simple with 'Paint.NET' from 'WSU-Microsoft' on the Dot.Net Platform.4)...It 'Autoloads' it's own 'Registration Key' on the 'Dot.Net Platform' (once copied to Notepad).5)...As you probably know Dot.Net is fully compliant with XP and 2000 and NT and '98se and 2003 and it seems to make PTE.4.40 run like a 'well oiled machine' - once Dot.Net is on the PC.Excellent job, well done, and much appreciated.Regards from Dublin,Brian.Conflow. Quote
bharkins Posted April 4, 2005 Report Posted April 4, 2005 Brian, what is "dot.net"? I could not find it on Google.Bill Quote
Bert Posted April 5, 2005 Report Posted April 5, 2005 < Bert, this problem comes when you set "Large fonts" (120 dpi) in Windows.I know about this visual problem and will try to optimize for this mode.Please let me know your version of Windows> Igor, I have checked my Windows XP Home edition settings in the Display properties. I have the following settings: Windows Classic Style, Windows Standard and the font size Normal. This does not seem a big font size as the 2 other Font sizes I can choose from are large and extra large. Quote
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