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A recent topic touched on a utility from Granot (boxig) for autoruning a PTE.exe show from the now so popular flash memory devices (flash drives, key drives, thumb drives, etc. ) Following the thought led me to consider my USB setup. Specifically, I think I put a PTE.exe on a 256mb flash drive and plugged it in a USB port. A message appeared that I had plugged in a USB 2.0 device in a USB 1. port. From that I have sought some answers. It doesn't take long to establish that the typical computer superstore salesmen have conflicting "answers" to many (most?) questions. So here I am in our favorite forum with the people I can trust. Hopefully there will come answers that will enlighten more than just me.

My computer is old enought that the original USB set up is 1.0. I also added a combo card that gives me both Firewire and USB 2.0.

1. Cosidering my combo card with two port USB 2.0. If I have a 2.0 device in a USB 2.0 port. I get 2.0 speed. If however, I also plug in a 1.0 device in the other 2.0 port, will that slow down the 2.0 device? I am told that it will because the USB 2.0 controller will have to slow to the slowest device. If this is true, does it only slow down the 2.0 device while the 1.0 device is actually "running" information or would it be all the time it is plugged in the port?

2. Speaking again of the two ports for USB 2.0: If I add a hub to provide 4 more USB 2.0 ports, if I want to maintain 2.0 speed, does the new hub have to be specifically 2.0 specifications. Or is a hub a hub, just wires, no real "electronics"?

3. Re required power for multiple USB ports: Where possible, I like to avoid having to plug in a transformer to power my USB connections. I do have some on transformers, but others seem to be ok without. Presumeably these devices don't draw much power. If a port/device does not have enough power, is it a "go" or NO go" situation or will some devices function, but slower, or will they function in an erratic, possibly damaging data manner?

4. Is there any difference in cables for USB 1.0 vs. 2.0?


Certainly these questions don't stump everybody. Or are they so simple that people think they aren't real?

Anyway, if someone can make time to answer, it will be appreciated.

4. Is there any difference in cables for USB 1.0 vs. 2.0?

Robert my #1 system is usb 2.0 and my #2 system is usb 1.0

i use the same cables for both

on #1 system i have a

1 Startech card reader

.5" Multi Panel with Ejectable 7 in 1 Flash Card Reader / Writer and 2 USB 2.0 Ports

StarTech.com ID: 35FCREADREM


the main asus mob has usb 2 ports as well and

an addition 3 ports on the front

tigerdirect.ca USB2.0 PCI Card 146-1484

i have a spare 256mb sd memory card

do you want me to try a small show on it and see if it will run

there was an article in a recent pcworld about usb -- too much stuff on the main bus sucks it down i think will try and find article and send email to you



Thanks Ken. I don't have any trouble actually running PTE shows from the memory cards. Never-the-less, I would like to further understand what makes a difference in performance and what does not. I will look at your suggested links. As you know though, we can sometimes read a lot of information vs. the joy of specific answers.



i 'xferred a 42 mb folder to the 256 mb sd card in my usb 2.0 card reader

opened the folder and ran a 4.8 mb exe show with no problems

A message appeared that I had plugged in a USB 2.0 device in a USB 1. port. From that

when i bought my external BenQ dual layer dvd burner i would also get the message that it would perform better if it was plugged into a usb 2.0 port rather than a usb 1.0 port - as i have no usb 1.0 on the #1 system i ignored it

i dont get the message anymore


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