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Went to start a new project and was unable to load new slide list.

There were a number of folders in the panel but when I tried to open via My Docs - My Pics - subject folder via the explore command all that happened was a window opened with the pictures but not in the panel. The panel still remained showing several folders but no pictures and I am unable to access them through PTE1

I am going not so gently mad here!


PS. thanks for the link on the other problem Contax.



Not exactly sure where you tried to open the new sound list from, but you should try it from top left corner of the PTE page, drill down through the drive they are on until you find them (just like you do in EXPLORE)

PTE will list them like EXPLORE, or if you click on the "two pages" icon at the top left, you'll see thumbnails

Does that help any ?


Thanks Jim but no joy whatsoever.

I have even been through the view options and found the 'display last project command'. This is on and yet it displays nothing. Whatever I do the slide list panel remains pictureless. When I click on the two pages icon all I get is a folder Icon, no images at all.

By clicking on this I can drill down to the folder containing the images I want via explorer but these will not show or list in the panel. Is there any other way I can load them into it?

Yours exasperated



There are three ways (1) Project>Actions on File List>Add Selected picture(s) to Slide List; or (2) Drag and Drop from File List to Slide List; or (3) Click or Double Click (depending how your mouse is set) on the item in the File List. Or have I misunderstood your query?

Ron [uK]

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