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Format of Files to burn DVD discs


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Soryy if this question is very basic. If I create a video file from PTE using the "Video" button, the file type I get if I choose the AVI out put type is of course a *.avi file. IF I choose the DVD video disc output option, I get a *.ptev file. Both these files load into Ulead Movie factory and can be burnt to a DVD disk. What is the difference between the file types and is it important to choose one or the other?

A supplementary question. I use Adobe Audition 1.5 for sound editing. Audition will import the *.avi file produced by PTE and thus additional sound editing can be done e.g. to lower the music level if a slide has an attached speech file. However Audition will not import a *.ptev file. So there must be some difference between the file types.

Thanks for any help anyone can give.

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For Ulead (and .ptev) maximize the file format (avi) for this software and so the DVD is better: each software has preferences.

And thanks Igor to propose the better for each software.

Ulead 4 changed certain functions and now PTE 4.41 is adjusted (.ptev) for it.

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