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basic questions from newbee


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Hello, I just installed PTE and started on my first slideshow.

I have 3 questions yet, which cause me quite some headache

1) On PC with XP, is it normal that I can not run PTE on a non-administrator session?

2) I need to start successive background songs on definite slides. How can I fade out the previous song to avoid abrupt transitions?

3) For some reason, I can not start a song on a given slide when the transition of this slide is page roll. It works ith other transitions.

Thank you for helping me with a good start

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Welcome to PTE, I'm sure you'll like it and this forum

Ques 1 - I am no techie but I would say it is NOT normal

Ques 2 - you'll have to do the audio mixing outside of PTE (Audacity (free), Audition ($$) are two softwares)

Ques 3 - I have not tried that particular "action" so I can't comment, but I have not heard of the issue before

Not sure I helped much, others will be along shortly with better answers.

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Hi and Welcome,

On the sound question Jim is right. Most of us compile our sound into one file. This allows you to use the time line to position slides just where you want them. If you are launching sound from the slidr options you will get the bad switch between sounds. It is hard to judge when the sound is started, and if the file is big it will take a while to load. Using the time line with a single file means that the sound and slides are controlled by the time count. There is a good resource on sound in AV at www.avworld.org.

On the other questions, you'llhave to wait for the techies, they don't get up too early in the morning :D

Best of luck with your show,


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