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Is there an easy way (a utility maybe?) to be able to relink images that have been moved?


1.When I started one project I set up various subdirectories for images. I would now like to drag the images into one directory and be able to relink so p2exe can find the images in their new location.

2. I wanted to copy my .pte presentation (not the .exe) and associated files to a friend's PC who also has p2exe for them to work on. However because my friend's PC has a slightly different root directory [i.e Administrator/my documents rather than C/My Documents] their p2exe listed all the images as 'not found'



Another way is to FILE>CREATE A TEMPLATE, that creates a folder with the images and the .pte file captured in it, you can move the folder to any drive you want and all will be OK so lkong as you use the .pte from from the template folder.

Or you can move the original picture locations all you want and you won't have a problem.



I used to have the same complaint. I think your problem will go away if you put all your PTE source files in one directory for that particular show. The files should include all jpegs, and mp3s that are used in the show. You would then have a different directory for each show you make.

I did a quick test of this by making a short show with music and created a *.pte file for the show.

I then quit PTE and renamed the directory and moved it to another hard drive. When I opened the *.pte all worked well.

Prior to version 4.40 this didn't work so well.

Just make sure you put all associated files in the same directory and not some of them in subdirectories.



Then, as has been suggested earlier - make a template in P2E which is a self-contained folder with everything in it you'll need to run it from, wherever you store it. Seems simple enough!

The template is stored in the 'templates' folder in the P2E programme directory, but can be copied and moved as required.

I always use templates so as not to 'lose' any items needed in the future should I want to 'tweak' the show later.

Good luck.



I asked a similar question awhile back. I still found the easiest way is to edit the .PTE file. You can do a search and replace of the path shown with a text editor. I never store my music and pictures in the same location but I save all of my .pte project files.

  • 7 months later...

I need a little more instruction, please.

I have the same situation, files were moved from my C drive, I put them back on C drive but still get "pictures not found".

I tried the template thing advised above...

I go to

Edit- Create new template, but the same message "pictures not found" comes up.

Can someone walk me thru this in a bit more detail. I"m stuck before I even get started. :unsure:

Thank you!


As mentionned above, you can use Sy(P) freeware.

1 - Open your Pte project. You get an error message("at least one picture file doesn't exist")

2 - Launch <File name manager> (<Tools> menu or <icon> on task bar)

3 - in left part on the window select files in error

- in right top corner choose the correct directory (double clicking)

4 - click on <VERIFY> to see if every thing is correct

5 - if yes, click on <APPLY>. PTE file content is now modified.

6 - save your Pte project. It's all. :D



Did you try putting all your project files in the same folder?


I save all my images, sound & PTE files on an external drive so I can work between my main PC and a laptop if necessary.

Prior to the new edition ofPTE, learning about templates, editing the paths in notepad and Sy(P), etc I found my easiest way was .......

My main PC showed the external drive as M

but my laptop showed it as drive F.

So I would go to



type cmd press return

C:> etc appears, then type in

subst m: f:\

This ordered the computer to recognise an address which said m:\Av work\etc\etc and change to location temorarily to f:\AV work\etc\etc

Instantly the error messages for files not found etc would vanish and images & all folders & files are found again.

This is when the usb external (usually drive m when I create my PTE work) is plugged in and shows up as the f drive. Use different drive names when necessary. e.g if I plug into a strange computer the new drive might be d or any other letter.

I don't need to do this now as I constantly save as templates.

Hope this is helpful.

BW Maureen

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