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Nero 6 Reloaded Problem

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I have until recently been using Nero 6 NeroVisionExpress Version 2 to convert the video (avi) files produced by PTE to transcode and burn DVDs/SVCDs.

I recently updated Nero 6 to the latest version, including Version 3 of NeroVisionExpress, and now find that Nero will not make DVDs from PTE any more. Almost immediately it starts the transcoding process I get an error mesage.

Reinstalling Version 2 cures the problem.

Does anyone have Nero 6 VisionExpress Version 3 and been able to use it successfully with PTE avi files?

Help or comments would be appreciated.


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This day, after your post, I tryed to burn a DVD with NeroVisionExpress3 to check if I find a problem: sorry, all is perfect with my PC.

Perhaps, your update don't works right.

Can you delete all your software and make a new install ? Also try to check your space disk before to burn the DVD.

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May I ask you where you obtained 'Nero 6' in the 1st.instance ? and 'Vision Express' ???

You see, if you recently bought a 'DVD-Burner' this would have come with a chopped down versions of 'Nero 6' or 'Nero Vision Express'.These are 'Limited Licence Software' purchased by the DVD-Manufacturer

Full Nero 6 and Full Vision Express are usually 'purchased' Licence Software and the upgrades apply to these products solely. Upgrades do not apply to 'Burner Packaged Software'

When you attempt to 'upgrade' existing Nero Software it scans your PC to determine what software version's have been previously installed (purchased or freebie), note the word ...previously...

There is only 3 ways out of this dilema (a) Purchase the Full Program...(B) Attempt to removethe illegal upgrade.© Re-Install your Burner Software from your Installation Disc.

If you attempt the latter ©...YOU MUST REMOVE all existing Nero Software, Close down the PC and Restart from afreshotherwise it won't 'Reload' properly.

I know, I have been there, but first I copy-burnt the 'Nero Files' prior to 'Un-installing' them.

Brian.Conflow Services.

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Sorry, I should have mentioned that I purchased the full Nero 6 Suite including all the Plug-ins as an upgrade from Nero 5.5 some time ago. In fact, I have been using Nero for over four years now in its various versions.

I have had no problems at all in converting my PTE avi files to DVD in the past, but haven't used it since updating to Nero 6 Reloaded earlier this year, until yesterday. I was only burning a small (8 minute) PTE file to preview. I also tried to burn the same file as an SVCD with the same result. As soon as I uninstalled NVE 3 and replaced it with the last Version of NVE 2 it worked fine.

According to the Nero website, the Nero 6 Reloaded are free and continuous updates to the Nero 6 Suite, so I cannot understand why the latest Version of Vision Express fails to work.


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Hi Eric,

Thanks for the reply. My Post was concerned with readers trying to 'upgrade' supplied

Burner Packaged Software which came with the CD-DVD Burner.

It seems to me that there is a 'sharing conflict' between NV2 and NV3 - perhaps NV2

needs to be uninstalled first - but then that makes 'nonsense' of an upgrade.

You may not know that 'Ahead Nero' is a Multi-File sharing program and sometimes

Symantecs Norton A/V interferes with with shared files. Its usual for 'Nero' to request

that you shut-down all running Programs (such as Norton) - in fact, anything that's in

the System Tray that you know to be running, alternatively RH.Clk each item to see status.

As a last resort you may need to contact Ahead Nero and see if they have a [problem.


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I think I have solved the problem. I have been downloading updates via the Nero StartSmart facility which has been taking me direct to the update pages.

I have just uninstalled all the Nero products and reinstalled them but the problem still occurred.

I have just visited the Nero website and after browsing, found a patch which resolves problems with NVE3 and MPEG2 files. I installed this and now it seems to be working, albeit with a slightly different interface than with Version 2.

I am completely ignorant when it comes to Video formats so don't know what the relationship between the PTE avi files and MPEG2 files but this patch seems to have solved the problem.

I am surprised that the patch hasn't been incorporated into the NVE3 update or specifically mentioned on the updates page for NVE3.


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Hi Eric,

Delighted to hear you are up and running...so it was a 'sharing conflict'...not with Norton but within the Nero NV3 Program itself.

The same thing used to happen when you use the 'Nero Sound Editor'..for a while they allow you to use their 'MP3Pro.Codec' then it ceases to function and there after you are obliged to buy it - apparantely that particular problem is now resolved.

No withstanding,I must admit that the 'Sound Editor' is absolutely brilliant,superb quality !

It would appear that the NV3 (Upgrade) detected the presence of the NV2 device on the PC and simply locked-up (that's quite common,refer to Windows). Considering that you now have a new interface, thats say's to me that NV2 has been de-commissioned and put to bed. May I suggest that you 'burn a copy' of NV2 and NV3 and the Patch just in case a future problem rears its head.

All the best.


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Yes, I always keep two copies of everything I purchase over the Internet; one on a CD and one on an external HDD.

I still cannot understand why this happened as the updates from Nero were continuous, with no mention that I can recall of any need to uninstall Version 2 before installing the update to Version 3.

If I could be bothered, I would start again with the latest update to Version 2 and then apply the Version 3 Updates to see at which point the problem occurs. I have contacted Nero on this matter and, although now apparently resolved, it will be interesting to see their comments.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have used Nero to produce DVDs and sVCDs from p2e with no problems except that it seems to be an unnecessarily complicated process. Would it be possible for p2e to have a dedicated link to Nero as it does to some other burning programs?

By the way, I find that a typical sequence takes about 1 to 1.5 hours to produce a DVD. I have no way of knowing whether this is abnormally slow or what I should expect, can anyone tell me?

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