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dont know if this is the right area to post but feel a couple of things could improve pte for me.

1 the ability to save the template to a folder /hard drive of my choice, makes it easier to load onto flash stick etc

2 the ability to zoom out or in on timeline to see more of the slides/waveform.

sorry if this can be done and i havnt found how to do it, a relative newby so thanks in advance. really love the program!!


Hi barksworld:

I don't think the .pt folder can be "directed" elsewhere.

Personally I am happy about that as I always know where to go and find it. Otherwise it might end up where I saved the last one for whatever reason and not remember where that was ;);)

You can zoom in and out on the timeline two ways:

- stretch the dialogue box out more (grab bottom right coner and pull)

- use the bulit in short cut keys (see VIEW) in the Timeline dialogue box


To:- Barksworld & Jim (Ottawa)

Firstly, Jim is correct, PTE saves Templates to the 'Template Folder' within the 'Main PTE Program Folder' this for technical association reasons ~

Why not do what I do ~ Open the PTE Program Folder ~ find the Template Folder ~ RH.Clickit and send a 'Shortcut' to the Desktop. Once there its immediately assessible,also, you can place a 'Shortcut' in any Folder of your choice !.


  • 6 months later...

I see I'm not the first one to meet the problem of exporting a template.

My problem was to send it to a webfriend, able to print (excuse my bad english) it on a DVD.

Finally, I went to Programm files > PicturesToExe > Templates, where i zipped it to send it to my webfriend.

I accept it's impossible (now that I found the solution) but it could be easier to can export it easily to create a directory with the .pt and the .exe of a presententation for a back-up : no ?

Friendly yours,




Welcome to the Forum!

Yes, the ideal solution in your case would be to create a folder in addition to the template folder, put all the images, music files, and .pte project file in the same folder, and zip and email that to your friend for burning onto a dvd. I also use such a folder for backup on a separate external hard drive.


Welcome to the Forum Ivanhoe :)

I totally share Al's reply and practice.

It's a good idea to create templates (a much too ignored useful function of PTE) and I think it is safe also to copy the folder to another location (like an external drive) - particularly if one wants to delete an old version of PTE, the risk of deleting existing templates within this 'old' directory is thus minimized.


Thanks, Al, thanks, Gérard !

But to be sincere, I started this subject hoping our friend Igor could help us to make it easier, by including a shorter way to copy/paste the template's folder...

When it's possible, I like what we call in french : "La loi du moindre effort" ("Easiest way's rule"). :rolleyes:

  Ivanhoé said:

When it's possible, I like what we call in french : "La loi du moindre effort" ("Easiest way's rule"). :rolleyes:

In English we sometimes call it "The path of least resistance." :)



It's wrong to write :

(...) I started this subject hoping our friend Igor could help us to make it easier, by including a shorter way to copy/paste the template's folder... (...)
'cause I jumped in the running train !


We've been able to manage Templates and choose their folder location since July 2004 with PTE version 4.30 beta#3. Thank You Igor :D

Before that I continually used templates but each time the template was saved to the template folder within the main PTE program folder.

This was OK so long as you didn't download the latest version and overwrite the previous version of PTE, as then the template folder was also overwritten, and I lost the oldest templates (I was lucky I had saved the pte files so no tears .... and I quickly spotted it) ;)

So I have always saved new versions of PTE beta programs into a new folder labeled with the PTE beta number. So if there were to be a problem with that beta version I could simply close it and re-open the previous PTE version.

Now any of my templates saved in the PTE program template folder are no longer overwritten if a new version overwrites the previous PTE. Again an excellent new upgrade. We have so many "problems" fixed quickly and quietly by Igor and his team. Sometimes we even forget about the many wonderful little hidden gems in this program. :D

Templates are a very useful way of sharing your working file with a friend, as many have already discovered. :)

BW Maureen

We have so many "problems" fixed quickly and quietly by Igor and his team. Sometimes we even forget about the many wonderful little hidden gems in this program.

I agree, Maureen. I hope Igor appreciates just how much we users appreciate all the excellent work he does on our behalf. In my experience, such software support is unique!

The templates technique is a very useful "fail-safe" which I use a lot to rescue other people's mistakes! Despite my repeated advice to keep all the items needed for a particular show in a single folder, some of my "tutees" seem to be unable, or unwilling, or too impatient to follow best-practice guidelines. Very often, I can use templates to get their files back into order. The fact that, by default, these reside with the PTE program keeps them out of the way from minor tampering. B)

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