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Making a show for email


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As a photographer, I get many requests for samples of my photography and I have built a nice collection of samples for the variety of photography we do. Unfortunately, many of my potential customers find me online and are not in the area of my studio that they might visit and see my work.

Yes, I can make CDs and DVDs and send them, however it would be nicer and much more effective if I could simply return a demo show to them by attachment to a quick reply.

I would prefer a full screen show and my for photographic quality, I need to use at least 300k images, a 2 minute mp3 and about 40 images. This can make a rather large download for dial-up clients, 10-=17megs.

Many AOL (and other services as well) customers cannot get a 10meg file as an attachment, much less a 17meg file... And my website doesn't have enough storage to upload them all for download. What is the answer to this?

Larry T

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Hello Larry

Aside from checking into a web server with enough storage to upload all your samples too which would be less work involved for you, one thing that comes to mind is a Peer-to-Peer program such as Yahoo Messenger – MSN – ICQ

If your potential client has such a program installed you could send them any size file.

( both have to be on line at the same time )

Of course dial up is dial up.

Yahoo Messenger has what is called a Briefcase ( web space with 30 meg ) enough for maybe two shows. The visitor is not required to be a user of Yahoo and is directed by your link to your Briefcase Page for download.


Larry do a search on forum - ( type ) There are several services you could use

Read posting by JRR, another alternative.

No doubt a larger web space account would be the best solution.

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but they have restrictions like all free things



and drop James a line as to how he does it -- he is a forum member







and last but not least see my section


they are all forum members and generally their email address is posted


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For:- Larry T

Firstly,acknowledgements to Ken Cox,Hawk and Ronnie and good advice it is too. However,there is a way of doing what you want to do, but you have to decide on a Compromise Plan in that you are going to supply a 'Limited Preview of your Services' but you have to tell your viewers that.

Most people understand the limitations of sending Photo's over the Internet and basically there are only 4 ways of doing it:-

(1) Via a 3rd party Uploading Server using Thumbnail Images to access the Full Images.

(2) Via your own Server, again using the same technique as above.

(3 Via a 'Droploader Service' usually limited to 1 drop at a time to one person

(4) Via special techniques using the PTE Program and Zip Files.

The latter item (4) can achieve the following performance in halfing the size of a PTE Presentation to accomodate 56k Modems and Slo-Speed connections and Broadband.


Size 6.4mB....Show Duration 4m20secs....30 Slides + Transitions....1x Mp3 Music Track. (The 1024x768 Show+ Full MP3 was 14mB)


Firstly,you have to use Image Size of 800x600 pixel with a dark background (dark blue)

Secondly, the image sizes should be between 75k~150k but on average 100k/Image.

Thirdly, the MP3 File should be Recorded at FM.Radio Quality at 22kBit sampling rate.

These 'compromises' will play on ALL Screen Sizes on Desktop PCs with Desktop Speakers with no discernable loss of Picture nor Sound Quality ~ but will ½ the size of the Show and your Customers fully realise that it is a 'Limited Preview' of your Work.

It also suits all Laptops.

Hope this helps,


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Wow... The contribution of information I have at this point, is more than I could have expected!

Brian, Ron, Hawk, thanks for your tips, and Ken, your contribution of links, freeware and samplings is beyond my expectations. I have tested the two services mentioned and these seem to meet my needs perfectly at this time. I will now be able to get my demo shows to my clients quickly and for me, that's a big sales tool.

My new (building right now) web host is going to offer much more space and I should not have this problem long, but for now, this is going to work really nice.

Thanks again,

Larry T

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