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Themes question


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I think I know the answer already from playing around with practice projects.  But as I understand it a Theme merely attaches a sequence of styles to however many slides you select.  For example if you apply the Ken Burns theme to 10 slides each one has some pan and zoom.  But if one or more of those slides are actually mp4 clips it looks like the Ken Burns effect is also applied to that one the same as if it was a jpg--yes?  So basically the program will not "skip" over the non-jpg slides, right?  If you want to exclude the mp4 slides then you have to de-select them when applying the theme--yes?

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If the slides on which you want to use a theme are not contiguous (i.e., you have selected some, but not others -- including movies), the ones you have selected will all be moved together and the style will be applied.  The other unselected slides (including the movie) will be moved to a position immediately after the last slide you originally selected and applied the style to.  So, it is best to apply any themes before you set your final order, or if there are only a few to which you want to apply a different theme or style, apply the style to a selection of slides and then individually select the single slides you wish not to be included and remove the style or pick a different one.  Themes will be applied to movie files if they are selected.  Not sure how useful that is but you can essentially apply the same movements to a movie manually in the Objects & Animation Editor (like zooming in or out).  Experiment to see what I have described.

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I had not noticed what you mentioned about the slides being repositioned like you describe, but I just played around with some and you are indeed correct.  It would be a nice option then if you could turn off the repositioning feature when deselecting slides from within a group of slides when applying a theme.

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