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Where are all those good sound effects and sound loops?

We all use common sound effects at some time or another and most are obtained from the 'freebie' downloads; but where can I get good quality sound effects - thunder storms, fireworks, seashore, rain, etc. I would like to get some effects that last for varying times up to a minute or even more. Don't mind paying for the good ones, so can anyone suggest some web sites please?

Ron West



Next time you are in your local Virgin/HMV/Tower records, have a look near the soundtracks for BBC sound effects CDs. These have broadcast quality effects and are devided into sections for you. There are many discs available, and as well as the standard fare you can also get some from the BBC radiophonics workshop. If the shop don't have them try www.bbc.co.uk


Where are all those good sound effects and sound loops?

We all use common sound effects at some time or another and most are obtained from the 'freebie' downloads; but where can I get good quality sound effects - thunder storms, fireworks, seashore, rain, etc.  I would like to get some effects that last for varying times up to a minute or even more.  Don't mind paying for the good ones, so can anyone suggest some web sites please?

Ron West

After you get your sound effects, Ron, and for me they have always been very shot. Use Audacity to copy to make them longer.


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