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Relative way


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In a slideshow on a CD, I want to launch, with the help of a button on a slide (Object editor, Action on mouse click, Run application or open file...), an other slideshow situated on this CD, but in an other repertory.

As I don't want to give a letter for the drive, I must give a relative way to my slideshow.

How have I to "write" this relative way ?

Thank you for your help

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If your second application located in some folder, slide-show automatically find and run it (even if you give absolute path using drive letter).

If you have C:\First folder\Main app.exeand C:\First folder\Second Folder App\Test application.exe

use relative path to second application which you want to run. Write the next command line (don't forget about double quotas symbols):

"Second Folder App\Test application.exe"

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Thank for your explanations.

It's not the first time I work with such commands and with relative paths but it is the first time it doesn't work.... and after your message and a last trial, I found what was wrong.

I created a new project and as always I created especially a repertory fort this purpose.

My slideshow terminated, I saved it as an album and immediately created a new exe file after changing it's repertory so it lies also in the same one as it's pte file.

By the way this can be very confusing as, if we don't pay attention to it and just create an exe, this exe file will be created in the old repertory.

In a second time, I wanted to add a command to launch an other slideshow (automatically as a slide appears) and I naturally worked with my pte album file in the template repertory of PTE.

I created an exe file and didn't test it immediately.

A few hours later and for some reasons I mixed up and used the exe file of the old repertory !!!!

.... of course it didn't work.

Thank you again for your very rapid answers and sorry for the inconvenience

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