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Goto function?


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I have searched around the prograrm and the Forum but I have not found an answer either way to my question. I would like to know if there is a Goto function than will let me go to a specific image by name or number. For example, if I have 300 images, and a viewer wants to go to and see only image number 250 (in the actual .exe file, not the creation program itself), is there a way to do this???

Thanks in advance.... Gary

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Hi, Gary,

Yes, there is a way, but you would have to set it up first when you make your show by assigning slide numbers to objects in "Object Editor", one for each slide you want your viewers to be able to jump to. (see my "PTE-101" show on Beachbrook for an example of this feature in use).

If the show is synched to music, you would also have to check "Permit the control of show" in "Project Options / Main".

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Yes... Thanks, that is nice. But I need something more specific. Since I show the Slide Name or Number at the top of each image, I want a Button that will let me choose to particular Slide Name or Number to go to. If a slide was named "304.jpg", I want to be able to Goto that Slide Name or Number at the beginning of the show, instead of having to wait or have to click the Forward buttom 303 times. It seems that if the Slide Name or Numbers are there, there might be a way of doing this????

I could have a page showing a list of buttons saying "Goto 1 of 1-10", and one for "Goto 11 of 11-20", etc., so they could jump more easily through it. But I'd rather have the ability to jump to a specific Slide Number or Slide Name, etc.

I guess it is not in the cards at this point.....

Thanks for your help. Gary

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Maybe this can help a bit:

JumpToSlide - Freeware


Do not run this file from the show as external file because it will open a second instance of your show. But you can give this tool to your users whith instructions how to use it.

Basically this tool will allow you to start your show from any slide you want.

Read the "Readme" for details.

:P Granot

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Hi Boxig,

I gave it a try but it would not open the PTE slideshow. I put in the slide name...3001.jpg and it showed up in the JumpToSlide's little window but nothing happened.

But for most of the people who would use my PTE slideshow would not understand the use of the JumpToSlide program...not too computer literate. At this point, I will fall back to using the PTE Button that will take you to the first of a group of images....such as "Goto Image 3001 of 3001 - 3025". That will at least help break the images down to sections. They can then just jump to any section they want.

Maybe the PTE gurus will be able to build in a button to do this in the future.....

Thanks for the idea.... Gary

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Why not break each section up into its own .PTE show

Wonder if a Menu type show is what you are after.

Take a look at my Demo Menu Show - Page 6 at Beechbrook, see if that can give you a tip or two.

Keep in mined this was created only as a demo - no music - older version 4.12 ?

Just unzip the file into an empty folder, it contains all images and settings.

Menu.EXE starts the demo - it can be altered in may ways.

You could add an INDEX slide to each seperate show, listing your images by name ( or thumbnail picture) with a Go to - and a return action to INDEX, or back to Menu

Beechbrook - Page 6

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Maybe the PTE gurus will be able to build in a button to do this in the future.....


Various people have requested something like this of the PTE designers, and Igor has indicated that he is working on a new navigation bar, so maybe he will soon be providing what you are looking for. :)

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Ralph.... Thanks for your tip. Yes, that is another interesting way of doing it. I'll download your show and take a closer look. Al (thanks) says that Igor might just be putting what I am looking for. I hope so. I think it would be very useful.

Thanks all for your ideas.... Gary

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It is very simple utility, just put any show (not old show) in the utility program, run the utility and when small window open click for example on line number 5, then the utility will run your show from slide number 5 (actually from the end of slide 4 - I taled to Igor about it and he promised to fix it - hope he still remembers).

In the ini file you write the names of slides.


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