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How many photo's to a gigabyte?

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Here is a question for you technical guys.

How many photo's can be stored in a gigabyte of space, assuming an average file size of 30 megabytes?

I have a hard drive with 250 gigabytes of storage and really want to store my larger photo files on it - how many will it hold? Maybe someone has a quick formula for calculating this.

Ron West

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Hi Ron,

There are 1000mB in 1gB, so if you files are 30mB, then you will get about 30 Files

into a 1000mB x 250gB = 7500 Files ~ However your access time to retrieve certain

Files is going to be quite long using this new Hard Drive. Better to organise it into

Libraries and access individual Libraries and then the contained Files.

An alternative method is the 'Raid System' (Multi-Disc System) and as I recall I think

Ken Cox is using this method with some success ?

By the way, did you recieve the Microphone Data I sent you ?



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Thankyou Brian (please see my email to you for more detail)

I hope that Ken Cox will see this post and respond accordingly. I think that your suggestion about the RAID system might be the way to go.


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