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The ability to Play the clip when in the Trim function is great. However, it does not help in setting the points of the trim.

For example, if you drag the Start Time yellow triangle, as in the previous version, the Start Time will register the changes in its block. However, if you Play the clip and Pause at the point where you want to trim the beginning portion (the red triangle), as soon as you click on the yellow triangle move it to that spot, the red triangle moves back to the beginning point and you lose your where your trim point was. And the time in the Start Time block does not show the time of the trim point as you Play the clip. This holds true for trying to Trim the End Time.

It would help if there was a way to click on each trim marker where it is Paused so that the Start Time and End Time would appear in their blocks.

Or, at least, have the Start Time and End Time get saved in their blocks as the clip is played as it does if you manually move the yellow triangles.


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To be truly effective, we need to be able to set the read cursor before the input point (standard shortcut 'i') and to stop the reading any time after the output cursor (standard cursor 'o').
These keyboard shortcuts ('i' and 'o') are fouded in many video editors.
To be able to see the soundtrack under the video would be very usefull too, but we can wait until v12 for that.


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