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I am having difficulty making the Object Editor work for me. Here is what I am trying to do.

I am sending a PTE slide show (.exe) to a customer who will select the images that he/she wants to order. The image details are shown on each slide and the customer is required to write the image number on an 'order form' that I will supply.

This order form is in pdf format and I am using the PTE Object Editor to run this from a 'button' with the properties set to 'run application or file". The idea is to allow the customer to print this order form by clicking on the button which will be placed on the opening 'intro slide' of the show.

It all works fine on my computer but will not work when I burn the whole thing to a CD. It seems obvious to me that the file path that I am using to 'open application or file" is wrong, but I just can't work it out.

Can someone help please?




We may need more information about how you are "pointing" to the pdf file.

What, exactly, is shown on the "Program name" line in Project Options / Properties for the object you are using to point to the pdf file? If you are showing a path name, try removing it, leaving only the name of the pdf file. You will also need to put this "pdf" file in the same folder as your PTE "exe" file.

Since you will be opening this file from the CD, what happens if you double-click on the pdf file, itself, on the CD? You may have to wait longer for it to open than you do when running the show from your hard drive.

Note, too, that your client will need to be able to open pdf files.


Hello Alrobin, thanks fro your suggestions.

You said: What, exactly, is shown on the "Program name" line in Project Options / Properties for the object you are using to point to the pdf file?

You were right, I had a full path inserted there so I took your advice and removed everything except the name of the pdf file, i.e. "Order Form.pdf"

I then copied the pdf into the same folder as the slide show exe file and burned both the exe and the pdf onto a CD. It worked just fine!

The customer can also 'explore the CD' and then 'double click' the pdf to bring it up on screen.

I take your point about the end user being able to print a pdf file, so I will be putting a download link on the CD to enable them to get the latest 'reader' from Adobe.

Thanks very much for your help.

I will try to email you a short copy of what I have done - I am interested to learn if it wotks on your computer.



Hello Guido,

I have read your explanation, but find it a little difficult to understand.

However, I have now made a CD that seems to work OK - I just burned both the PTE .exe file and the .pdf file onto the CD.


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