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slight change to sound


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Had a weird one tonight.

I am adding sound clips via the sound line and in one case (out of 24) the sound has seemingly changed at the start of one clip.

In the sound editor, it quite clearly is "I could be busy....", but PTE makes it sound like "we could be busy...."

There is no sound for the slide before this one, and there is 0.6 second silence before the speaking starts.

The fade in on this slide is 2.5 seconds, essentially the same as the other slides with no problem.

There is a music track playing in the background via PROJECT OPTIONS>MUSIC tab

Anyone else run into a situation like this ?


False alarm ! Turns out it only sounded like that in my head set, when I played it on the speakers it was fine.

Guess I had better get a new head set (or head ;) )

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Hi Jim,

Nothing wrong with your Head,nor Hearing,nor Headphones ~ you have just experienced an acoustical anomoly ~ I bet you were wearing a set of 'Stetescope Phones' or the so called 'Semi-Pro Phones' which enclose the entire ear.

These types work on the principle of "compressive wave effect" (differentials in athmospheric pressure) where ordinary Phones work on the principle of "acoustic wave effect" (airbourne travelling waves).

The former produce "pure sound" which doesn't exist in nature due to background colour and noise, however these Phones are great for analytical work and noisy environments such as Aircraft where sound-clarity is of paramount importance.

For them to work properly its assumed that the 'inner-ear' is working properly particularily the 'eustachian tube' ~ the pressure balancer between the inner-ear and throth.

If this is blocked (or too old) you will suffer 'acoustic cancellation' because the ear can not equalise the back-pressure on the rear of the 'ear-drum' ~ its the very reason that Medics put Pilots through the Mill in their regular "Hearing Tests'.

Hope this explains all, and as I have said before, hearing is such a personal thing !


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