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How to autostart presentation


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Just a quick refresher in case you get lost in the links.... Any CD must have a file named "autorun.inf" on the root (not in a folder) of the CD. This file simply needs to contain some very simple code as follows:




ICON=rockymtn.exe, 0


In the above sample simplly substitute the name of your own executable file for "rockymtn.exe" . In the vast majority of cases you don't need the second line of code but on some older Windows systems you do. There is no penalty for using it when it's not necessary, and I've never had a CD fail to autostart with the second line used so I would suggest including it. After the comma there is a zero rather than the letter O.

One easy way to make this file is to simply go to the system prompt and then do the following:

First type CD\ and press the Enter key. This will navigate to the root directory and your cursor will look like this:

C:\ >

Next type:

edit autorun.inf

then press the Enter key

The editor will open on a blank screen. Type in the code exactly as shown between the dotted lines above (don't type the dotted lines). When you have finished click on File then on Save and a file named "autorun.inf" will be created on the C:\ root of your computer's hard disk. Copy this file using your CD burning software to the root of your cd along with the executable file which the code references.

That's all there is to it. Save the file and next time you want to make another slideshow and place it on your CD just repeat the instructions and the already created file will come up in the editor. Change the name of the executable file to the name of your new slideshow, save the file and copy the new autorun.inf to your new CD along with the executable file which runs the slideshow....


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