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1. I have shots from a trip. I have made shows of the trip and the wedding. I would like to just open/add projects to make new larger projects. Some people wish to see the trip and wedding some just the wedding some just the trip etc. This depends on # 2 to work properly.

2. I would like to "grab the relevant soundtrack/music and move the tracks around with all the photos and timings intact. Photos "welded to a music track as it were. I guess a facility to define "GROUPS" like Photoshop has groups for layers.

3. I would also like a check box for PTE to NOT store paths to music and photos. When I have a project done I store copies of music, sound and photos to cd-rom incase I wish to make changes. PTE should just look in the directory where the project file is for everything else it needs. There is a program for doing panoramas called PTAssembler that does this and this is a really convenient feature.

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