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I have 2 exe files. A calls B when done.

Every thing works fine after I figured out to unclick Leave Last Slide On Screen otherwise the second exe never starts. I just watched the whole thing and at the end of B the last slide of A fades in again and then there is the fade to desktop that I have set for the end of B. How do I stop this last slide of the previous slide show from reappearing?


I have used the "daisy chain" option a number of times and noticed the problem you mention, but I use a black slide at the end of all my presentations, so it might well be happening, but it never shows.

Logically I am not sure why it is happening, but unless someone comes up with a better solution, would that be an option for you?



It is possible that you are calling the next slideshow using the command in "Customize Slide" on the last slide of the first show instead of Project options. If this is the case, try opening the next show using the option in "Project Options / Advanced" instead.

If you are already using the correct method, try playing with other options such as disabling "Show transition effect to desktop" in "Project Options / Screen", or try playing around with the timing of the last transition in each show to make sure you are not overlapping any transitions.

If all else fails, you can send me a copy of each project ".pte" file (without any music or image files) if you wish, and I will have a look to see if I can spot anything out of the ordinary. (alrobin@alrobinson.com) . If this doesn't work, Jim's solution with the black slide should. It is often more elegant (and certainly more traditional) to close a show by "fading to black", anyway.



You need to follow Al's advice but make sure to check 'close show after last slide' in Project Options for show A, so the last slide of this show is no longer available for showing.



Richhaas - Welcome to the forum

How do I stop this last slide of the previous slide show from reappearing?

I have duplicated your problem and it appears that you cannot use transitions to desktop with multiple .EXE shows with out a work around - as Jim ( JRR ) has explained.

It looks as if the last slide of your Show A acts as the desktop image before returning to Windows desktop. ? Maybe Igor can explain why.

Al ( alrobin )

I tried both ways Al "Customize Slide" and "Project Options / Advanced" no go.

If you view the .PTE file and find something - please post.

DEN ( denwell )

Even with Close show after last slide – it still wants to show last slide of show A ?

Unless someone else can find a solution.

Richhaas - *** another work around - nice effect.

Have you considered a one image Menu show, allowing your viewer to choose Show A or B.

Now your Show A and B can have a slow fade from and back to the desktop which will show your Menu image as desktop image.

Or they could be ran in sequence returning you to the menu show desktop image were you could exit back to Windows desktop.

If you or anyone else cares to view a small sample – e-mail me - Subject: PTE Demo.

  Hawk said:
Al ( alrobin )

I tried both ways Al "Customize Slide" and "Project Options / Advanced" no go.

If you view the .PTE file and find something - please post.


I don't see the last slide again when I start a new show from "Project Options" - maybe I'm doing something wrong. ;)

But you're right, you do also have to check "Close show after last slide" for the first show. Otherwise you will return to it after showing the second.


Yes I call the next exe from Project Options. And I have though of the black slide answer but I didn't want a black gap but I just realized that I can set the last black slide to 1 or 2ms and it should never be seen.

All of this is to make up for not being able to meta-edit a project with multiple seperate pte files, move them around, assign transitions betweeen them, etc. A seperate little editor? A List View?

Thanks for the help and once again a great program.


Ralph and I did a little further experimenting, and have concluded that the reason for the last slide showing is the two options, "Show transition effect to / from desktop" under "Project options / Screen tab". Un-check these in Show 2 and the problem goes away.

I had thought that might have something to do with it but not having access to Richhaas' shows, I couldn't seem to verify that that was the problem - thanks Ralph for the clue as to the source of the problem. When I removed the two options from your test shows as you suggested, the problem was no longer there. :)

Igor, is this something you could possibly look into and have the last slide of show 2 of two linked shows not reappear, but allow the second show to merge gracefully into the desktop as it is supposed to do?

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